7 Expressions [expr]

7.5 Primary expressions [expr.prim]

7.5.4 Names [expr.prim.id] Destruction [expr.prim.id.dtor]

An id-expression that denotes the destructor of a type T names the destructor of T if T is a class type ([class.dtor]), otherwise the id-expression is said to name a pseudo-destructor.
If the id-expression names a pseudo-destructor, T shall be a scalar type and the id-expression shall appear as the right operand of a class member access ([expr.ref]) that forms the postfix-expression of a function call ([expr.call]).
Such a call ends the lifetime of the object ([expr.call], [basic.life]).
— end note
struct C { };
void f() {
  C * pc = new C;
  using C2 = C;
  pc->C::~C2();     // OK, destroys *pc
  C().C::~C();      // undefined behavior: temporary of type C destroyed twice
  using T = int;
  0 .T::~T();       // OK, no effect
  0.T::~T();        // error: 0.T is a user-defined-floating-point-literal ([lex.ext])
— end example