26 Numerics library [numerics]

26.6 Random number generation [rand]

26.6.8 Random number distribution class templates [rand.dist] Normal distributions [rand.dist.norm] Class template normal_­distribution [rand.dist.norm.normal]

A normal_­distribution random number distribution produces random numbers x distributed according to the probability density function
The distribution parameters μ and σ are also known as this distribution's mean and standard deviation.
template<class RealType = double>
  class normal_distribution {
    // types
    using result_type = RealType;
    using param_type  = unspecified;

    // constructors and reset functions
    normal_distribution() : normal_distribution(0.0) {}
    explicit normal_distribution(RealType mean, RealType stddev = 1.0);
    explicit normal_distribution(const param_type& parm);
    void reset();

    // generating functions
    template<class URBG>
      result_type operator()(URBG& g);
    template<class URBG>
      result_type operator()(URBG& g, const param_type& parm);

    // property functions
    RealType mean() const;
    RealType stddev() const;
    param_type param() const;
    void param(const param_type& parm);
    result_type min() const;
    result_type max() const;
explicit normal_distribution(RealType mean, RealType stddev = 1.0);
Preconditions: .
Remarks: mean and stddev correspond to the respective parameters of the distribution.
RealType mean() const;
Returns: The value of the mean parameter with which the object was constructed.
RealType stddev() const;
Returns: The value of the stddev parameter with which the object was constructed.