18 Concepts library [concepts]

18.4 Language-related concepts [concepts.lang]

18.4.1 General [concepts.lang.general]

Subclause [concepts.lang] contains the definition of concepts corresponding to language features.
These concepts express relationships between types, type classifications, and fundamental type properties.

18.4.2 Concept same_­as [concept.same]

template<class T, class U> concept same-as-impl = is_same_v<T, U>; // exposition only template<class T, class U> concept same_­as = same-as-impl<T, U> && same-as-impl<U, T>;
same_­as<T, U> subsumes same_­as<U, T> and vice versa.
— end note

18.4.3 Concept derived_­from [concept.derived]

template<class Derived, class Base> concept derived_­from = is_base_of_v<Base, Derived> && is_convertible_v<const volatile Derived*, const volatile Base*>;
derived_­from<Derived, Base> is satisfied if and only if Derived is publicly and unambiguously derived from Base, or Derived and Base are the same class type ignoring cv-qualifiers.
— end note

18.4.4 Concept convertible_­to [concept.convertible]

Given types From and To and an expression E such that decltype((E)) is add_­rvalue_­reference_­t<From>, convertible_­to<From, To> requires E to be both implicitly and explicitly convertible to type To.
The implicit and explicit conversions are required to produce equal results.
template<class From, class To> concept convertible_­to = is_convertible_v<From, To> && requires(add_rvalue_reference_t<From> (&f)()) { static_cast<To>(f()); };
Let FromR be add_­rvalue_­reference_­t<From> and test be the invented function:
To test(FromR (&f)()) {
  return f();
and let f be a function with no arguments and return type FromR such that f() is equality-preserving.
Types From and To model convertible_­to<From, To> only if:
  • To is not an object or reference-to-object type, or static_­cast<To>(f()) is equal to test(f).
  • FromR is not a reference-to-object type, or
    • If FromR is an rvalue reference to a non const-qualified type, the resulting state of the object referenced by f() after either above expression is valid but unspecified ([lib.types.movedfrom]).
    • Otherwise, the object referred to by f() is not modified by either above expression.

18.4.5 Concept common_­reference_­with [concept.commonref]

For two types T and U, if common_­reference_­t<T, U> is well-formed and denotes a type C such that both convertible_­to<T, C> and convertible_­to<U, C> are modeled, then T and U share a common reference type, C.
C could be the same as T, or U, or it could be a different type.
C may be a reference type.
— end note
template<class T, class U> concept common_­reference_­with = same_­as<common_reference_t<T, U>, common_reference_t<U, T>> && convertible_­to<T, common_reference_t<T, U>> && convertible_­to<U, common_reference_t<T, U>>;
Let C be common_­reference_­t<T, U>.
Let t1 and t2 be equality-preserving expressions ([concepts.equality]) such that decltype((t1)) and decltype((t2)) are each T, and let u1 and u2 be equality-preserving expressions such that decltype((u1)) and decltype((u2)) are each U.
T and U model common_­reference_­with<T, U> only if:
  • C(t1) equals C(t2) if and only if t1 equals t2, and
  • C(u1) equals C(u2) if and only if u1 equals u2.
Users can customize the behavior of common_­reference_­with by specializing the basic_­common_­reference class template ([meta.trans.other]).
— end note

18.4.6 Concept common_­with [concept.common]

If T and U can both be explicitly converted to some third type, C, then T and U share a common type, C.
C could be the same as T, or U, or it could be a different type.
C might not be unique.
— end note
template<class T, class U> concept common_­with = same_­as<common_type_t<T, U>, common_type_t<U, T>> && requires { static_cast<common_type_t<T, U>>(declval<T>()); static_cast<common_type_t<T, U>>(declval<U>()); } && common_reference_with< add_lvalue_reference_t<const T>, add_lvalue_reference_t<const U>> && common_reference_with< add_lvalue_reference_t<common_type_t<T, U>>, common_reference_t< add_lvalue_reference_t<const T>, add_lvalue_reference_t<const U>>>;
Let C be common_­type_­t<T, U>.
Let t1 and t2 be equality-preserving expressions ([concepts.equality]) such that decltype((t1)) and decltype((t2)) are each T, and let u1 and u2 be equality-preserving expressions such that decltype((u1)) and decltype((u2)) are each U.
T and U model common_­with<T, U> only if:
  • C(t1) equals C(t2) if and only if t1 equals t2, and
  • C(u1) equals C(u2) if and only if u1 equals u2.
Users can customize the behavior of common_­with by specializing the common_­type class template ([meta.trans.other]).
— end note

18.4.7 Arithmetic concepts [concepts.arithmetic]

template<class T> concept integral = is_integral_v<T>; template<class T> concept signed_­integral = integral<T> && is_signed_v<T>; template<class T> concept unsigned_­integral = integral<T> && !signed_integral<T>; template<class T> concept floating_­point = is_floating_point_v<T>;
signed_­integral can be modeled even by types that are not signed integer types ([basic.fundamental]); for example, char.
— end note
unsigned_­integral can be modeled even by types that are not unsigned integer types ([basic.fundamental]); for example, bool.
— end note

18.4.8 Concept assignable_­from [concept.assignable]

template<class LHS, class RHS> concept assignable_­from = is_lvalue_reference_v<LHS> && common_reference_with<const remove_reference_t<LHS>&, const remove_reference_t<RHS>&> && requires(LHS lhs, RHS&& rhs) { { lhs = std::forward<RHS>(rhs) } -> same_­as<LHS>; };
  • lhs be an lvalue that refers to an object lcopy such that decltype((lhs)) is LHS,
  • rhs be an expression such that decltype((rhs)) is RHS, and
  • rcopy be a distinct object that is equal to rhs.
LHS and RHS model assignable_­from<LHS, RHS> only if
  • addressof(lhs = rhs) == addressof(lcopy).
  • After evaluating lhs = rhs:
    • lhs is equal to rcopy, unless rhs is a non-const xvalue that refers to lcopy.
    • If rhs is a non-const xvalue, the resulting state of the object to which it refers is valid but unspecified ([lib.types.movedfrom]).
    • Otherwise, if rhs is a glvalue, the object to which it refers is not modified.
Assignment need not be a total function ([structure.requirements]); in particular, if assignment to an object x can result in a modification of some other object y, then x = y is likely not in the domain of =.
— end note

18.4.9 Concept swappable [concept.swappable]

Let t1 and t2 be equality-preserving expressions that denote distinct equal objects of type T, and let u1 and u2 similarly denote distinct equal objects of type U.
t1 and u1 can denote distinct objects, or the same object.
— end note
An operation exchanges the values denoted by t1 and u1 if and only if the operation modifies neither t2 nor u2 and:
  • If T and U are the same type, the result of the operation is that t1 equals u2 and u1 equals t2.
  • If T and U are different types and common_­reference_­with<decltype((t1)), decltype((u1))> is modeled, the result of the operation is that C(t1) equals C(u2) and C(u1) equals C(t2) where C is common_­reference_­t<decltype((t1)), decltype((u1))>.
The name ranges​::​swap denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]).
The expression ranges​::​swap(E1, E2) for subexpressions E1 and E2 is expression-equivalent to an expression S determined as follows:
  • S is (void)swap(E1, E2)218 if E1 or E2 has class or enumeration type ([basic.compound]) and that expression is valid, with overload resolution performed in a context that includes the declaration
    template<class T>
      void swap(T&, T&) = delete;
    and does not include a declaration of ranges​::​swap. If the function selected by overload resolution does not exchange the values denoted by E1 and E2, the program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required.
  • Otherwise, if E1 and E2 are lvalues of array types ([basic.compound]) with equal extent and ranges​::​swap(*E1, *E2) is a valid expression, S is (void)ranges​::​swap_­ranges(E1, E2), except that noexcept(S) is equal to noexcept(​ranges​::​swap(*E1, *E2)).
  • Otherwise, if E1 and E2 are lvalues of the same type T that models move_­constructible<T> and assignable_­from<T&, T>, S is an expression that exchanges the denoted values. S is a constant expression if
    • T is a literal type ([basic.types]),
    • both E1 = std​::​move(E2) and E2 = std​::​move(E1) are constant subexpressions ([defns.const.subexpr]), and
    • the full-expressions of the initializers in the declarations
      T t1(std::move(E1));
      T t2(std::move(E2));
      are constant subexpressions.
    noexcept(S) is equal to is_­nothrow_­move_­constructible_­v<T> && is_­nothrow_­move_­assignable_­v<T>.
  • Otherwise, ranges​::​swap(E1, E2) is ill-formed.
    : This case can result in substitution failure when ranges​::​swap(E1, E2) appears in the immediate context of a template instantiation. — end note
Whenever ranges​::​swap(E1, E2) is a valid expression, it exchanges the values denoted by E1 and E2 and has type void.
— end note
template<class T> concept swappable = requires(T& a, T& b) { ranges::swap(a, b); };
template<class T, class U> concept swappable_­with = common_reference_with<T, U> && requires(T&& t, U&& u) { ranges::swap(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<T>(t)); ranges::swap(std::forward<U>(u), std::forward<U>(u)); ranges::swap(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u)); ranges::swap(std::forward<U>(u), std::forward<T>(t)); };
The semantics of the swappable and swappable_­with concepts are fully defined by the ranges​::​swap customization point object.
— end note
User code can ensure that the evaluation of swap calls is performed in an appropriate context under the various conditions as follows:
#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <utility>

namespace ranges = std::ranges;

template<class T, std::swappable_with<T> U>
void value_swap(T&& t, U&& u) {
  ranges::swap(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u));

template<std::swappable T>
void lv_swap(T& t1, T& t2) {
  ranges::swap(t1, t2);

namespace N {
  struct A { int m; };
  struct Proxy {
    A* a;
    Proxy(A& a) : a{&a} {}
    friend void swap(Proxy x, Proxy y) {
      ranges::swap(*x.a, *y.a);
  Proxy proxy(A& a) { return Proxy{ a }; }

int main() {
  int i = 1, j = 2;
  lv_swap(i, j);
  assert(i == 2 && j == 1);

  N::A a1 = { 5 }, a2 = { -5 };
  value_swap(a1, proxy(a2));
  assert(a1.m == -5 && a2.m == 5);
— end example
The name swap is used here unqualified.

18.4.10 Concept destructible [concept.destructible]

The destructible concept specifies properties of all types, instances of which can be destroyed at the end of their lifetime, or reference types.
template<class T> concept destructible = is_nothrow_destructible_v<T>;
Unlike the Cpp17Destructible requirements (Table 32), this concept forbids destructors that are potentially throwing, even if a particular invocation of the destructor does not actually throw.
— end note

18.4.11 Concept constructible_­from [concept.constructible]

The constructible_­from concept constrains the initialization of a variable of a given type with a particular set of argument types.
template<class T, class... Args> concept constructible_­from = destructible<T> && is_constructible_v<T, Args...>;

18.4.12 Concept default_­initializable [concept.default.init]

template<class T> inline constexpr bool is-default-initializable = see below; // exposition only template<class T> concept default_­initializable = constructible_from<T> && requires { T{}; } && is-default-initializable<T>;
For a type T, is-default-initializable<T> is true if and only if the variable definition
T t;
is well-formed for some invented variable t; otherwise it is false.
Access checking is performed as if in a context unrelated to T.
Only the validity of the immediate context of the variable initialization is considered.

18.4.13 Concept move_­constructible [concept.moveconstructible]

template<class T> concept move_­constructible = constructible_from<T, T> && convertible_­to<T, T>;
If T is an object type, then let rv be an rvalue of type T and u2 a distinct object of type T equal to rv.
T models move_­constructible only if
  • After the definition T u = rv;, u is equal to u2.
  • T(rv) is equal to u2.
  • If T is not const, rv's resulting state is valid but unspecified ([lib.types.movedfrom]); otherwise, it is unchanged.

18.4.14 Concept copy_­constructible [concept.copyconstructible]

template<class T> concept copy_­constructible = move_constructible<T> && constructible_from<T, T&> && convertible_­to<T&, T> && constructible_from<T, const T&> && convertible_­to<const T&, T> && constructible_from<T, const T> && convertible_­to<const T, T>;
If T is an object type, then let v be an lvalue of type (possibly const) T or an rvalue of type const T.
T models copy_­constructible only if