7 Expressions [expr]

7.5 Primary expressions [expr.prim]

7.5.7 Requires expressions [expr.prim.req] Compound requirements [expr.prim.req.compound]

{ expression } noexcept return-type-requirement ;
-> type-constraint
A compound-requirement asserts properties of the expression E.
Substitution of template arguments (if any) and verification of semantic properties proceed in the following order:
  • Substitution of template arguments (if any) into the expression is performed.
  • If the noexcept specifier is present, E shall not be a potentially-throwing expression ([except.spec]).
  • If the return-type-requirement is present, then:
    • Substitution of template arguments (if any) into the return-type-requirement is performed.
    • The immediately-declared constraint ([temp.param]) of the type-constraint for decltype((E)) shall be satisfied.
      : Given concepts C and D,
      requires {
        { E1 } -> C;
        { E2 } -> D<A, , A>;
      is equivalent to
      requires {
        E1; requires C<decltype((E1))>;
        E2; requires D<decltype((E2)), A, , A>;
      (including in the case where n is zero). — end example
template<typename T> concept C1 = requires(T x) {
The compound-requirement in C1 requires that x++ is a valid expression.
It is equivalent to the simple-requirement x++;.
template<typename T> concept C2 = requires(T x) {
  {*x} -> std::same_as<typename T::inner>;
The compound-requirement in C2 requires that *x is a valid expression, that typename T​::​inner is a valid type, and that std​::​same_­as<decltype((*x)), typename T​::​inner> is satisfied.
template<typename T> concept C3 =
  requires(T x) {
    {g(x)} noexcept;
The compound-requirement in C3 requires that g(x) is a valid expression and that g(x) is non-throwing.
— end example