13 Templates [temp]

13.8 Name resolution [temp.res]

13.8.1 Locally declared names [temp.local]

Like normal (non-template) classes, class templates have an injected-class-name ([class.pre]).
The injected-class-name can be used as a template-name or a type-name.
When it is used with a template-argument-list, as a template-argument for a template template-parameter, or as the final identifier in the elaborated-type-specifier of a friend class template declaration, it is a template-name that refers to the class template itself.
Otherwise, it is a type-name equivalent to the template-name followed by the template-parameters of the class template enclosed in <>.
Within the scope of a class template specialization or partial specialization, when the injected-class-name is used as a type-name, it is equivalent to the template-name followed by the template-arguments of the class template specialization or partial specialization enclosed in <>.
template<template<class> class T> class A { };
template<class T> class Y;
template<> class Y<int> {
  Y* p;                                 // meaning Y<int>
  Y<char>* q;                           // meaning Y<char>
  A<Y>* a;                              // meaning A<​::​Y>
  class B {
    template<class> friend class Y;     // meaning ​::​Y
— end example
The injected-class-name of a class template or class template specialization can be used as either a template-name or a type-name wherever it is in scope.
template <class T> struct Base {
  Base* p;

template <class T> struct Derived: public Base<T> {
  typename Derived::Base* p;            // meaning Derived​::​Base<T>

template<class T, template<class> class U = T::template Base> struct Third { };
Third<Derived<int> > t;                 // OK: default argument uses injected-class-name as a template
— end example
A lookup that finds an injected-class-name ([class.member.lookup]) can result in an ambiguity in certain cases (for example, if it is found in more than one base class).
If all of the injected-class-names that are found refer to specializations of the same class template, and if the name is used as a template-name, the reference refers to the class template itself and not a specialization thereof, and is not ambiguous.
template <class T> struct Base { };
template <class T> struct Derived: Base<int>, Base<char> {
  typename Derived::Base b;             // error: ambiguous
  typename Derived::Base<double> d;     // OK
— end example
When the normal name of the template (i.e., the name from the enclosing scope, not the injected-class-name) is used, it always refers to the class template itself and not a specialization of the template.
template<class T> class X {
  X* p;                                 // meaning X<T>
  X<T>* p2;
  X<int>* p3;
  ::X* p4;                              // error: missing template argument list
                                        // ​::​X does not refer to the injected-class-name
— end example
The name of a template-parameter shall not be redeclared within its scope (including nested scopes).
A template-parameter shall not have the same name as the template name.
template<class T, int i> class Y {
  int T;                                // error: template-parameter redeclared
  void f() {
    char T;                             // error: template-parameter redeclared

template<class X> class X;              // error: template-parameter redeclared
— end example
In the definition of a member of a class template that appears outside of the class template definition, the name of a member of the class template hides the name of a template-parameter of any enclosing class templates (but not a template-parameter of the member if the member is a class or function template).
template<class T> struct A {
  struct B { /* ... */ };
  typedef void C;
  void f();
  template<class U> void g(U);

template<class B> void A<B>::f() {
  B b;              // A's B, not the template parameter

template<class B> template<class C> void A<B>::g(C) {
  B b;              // A's B, not the template parameter
  C c;              // the template parameter C, not A's C
— end example
In the definition of a member of a class template that appears outside of the namespace containing the class template definition, the name of a template-parameter hides the name of a member of this namespace.
namespace N {
  class C { };
  template<class T> class B {
    void f(T);
template<class C> void N::B<C>::f(C) {
  C b;              // C is the template parameter, not N​::​C
— end example
In the definition of a class template or in the definition of a member of such a template that appears outside of the template definition, for each non-dependent base class ([temp.dep.type]), if the name of the base class or the name of a member of the base class is the same as the name of a template-parameter, the base class name or member name hides the template-parameter name.
struct A {
  struct B { /* ... */ };
  int a;
  int Y;

template<class B, class a> struct X : A {
  B b;              // A's B
  a b;              // error: A's a isn't a type name
— end example