Subclause | Header | |
Requirements | ||
Forward declarations | <iosfwd> | |
Standard iostream objects | <iostream> | |
Iostreams base classes | <ios> | |
Stream buffers | <streambuf> | |
Formatting and manipulators | <iomanip>, <istream>, <ostream> | |
String streams | <sstream> | |
File streams | <fstream> | |
Synchronized output streams | <syncstream> | |
File systems | <filesystem> | |
C library files | <cstdio>, <cinttypes> |
namespace std { template<class charT> struct char_traits; template<> struct char_traits<char>; template<> struct char_traits<char8_t>; template<> struct char_traits<char16_t>; template<> struct char_traits<char32_t>; template<> struct char_traits<wchar_t>; template<class T> class allocator; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ios; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_streambuf; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_istream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ostream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_iostream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringbuf; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_istringstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_ostringstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_filebuf; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ifstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ofstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_fstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_syncbuf; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_osyncstream; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class istreambuf_iterator; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class ostreambuf_iterator; using ios = basic_ios<char>; using wios = basic_ios<wchar_t>; using streambuf = basic_streambuf<char>; using istream = basic_istream<char>; using ostream = basic_ostream<char>; using iostream = basic_iostream<char>; using stringbuf = basic_stringbuf<char>; using istringstream = basic_istringstream<char>; using ostringstream = basic_ostringstream<char>; using stringstream = basic_stringstream<char>; using filebuf = basic_filebuf<char>; using ifstream = basic_ifstream<char>; using ofstream = basic_ofstream<char>; using fstream = basic_fstream<char>; using syncbuf = basic_syncbuf<char>; using osyncstream = basic_osyncstream<char>; using wstreambuf = basic_streambuf<wchar_t>; using wistream = basic_istream<wchar_t>; using wostream = basic_ostream<wchar_t>; using wiostream = basic_iostream<wchar_t>; using wstringbuf = basic_stringbuf<wchar_t>; using wistringstream = basic_istringstream<wchar_t>; using wostringstream = basic_ostringstream<wchar_t>; using wstringstream = basic_stringstream<wchar_t>; using wfilebuf = basic_filebuf<wchar_t>; using wifstream = basic_ifstream<wchar_t>; using wofstream = basic_ofstream<wchar_t>; using wfstream = basic_fstream<wchar_t>; using wsyncbuf = basic_syncbuf<wchar_t>; using wosyncstream = basic_osyncstream<wchar_t>; template<class state> class fpos; using streampos = fpos<char_traits<char>::state_type>; using wstreampos = fpos<char_traits<wchar_t>::state_type>; using u8streampos = fpos<char_traits<char8_t>::state_type>; using u16streampos = fpos<char_traits<char16_t>::state_type>; using u32streampos = fpos<char_traits<char32_t>::state_type>; }
#include <ios> // see [ios.syn] #include <streambuf> // see [streambuf.syn] #include <istream> // see [istream.syn] #include <ostream> // see [ostream.syn] namespace std { extern istream cin; extern ostream cout; extern ostream cerr; extern ostream clog; extern wistream wcin; extern wostream wcout; extern wostream wcerr; extern wostream wclog; }
istream cin;
ostream cout;
ostream cerr;
ostream clog;
wistream wcin;
wostream wcout;
wostream wcerr;
wostream wclog;
#include <iosfwd> // see [iosfwd.syn] namespace std { using streamoff = implementation-defined; using streamsize = implementation-defined; template<class stateT> class fpos; class ios_base; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ios; // [std.ios.manip], manipulators ios_base& boolalpha (ios_base& str); ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& str); ios_base& showbase (ios_base& str); ios_base& noshowbase (ios_base& str); ios_base& showpoint (ios_base& str); ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& str); ios_base& showpos (ios_base& str); ios_base& noshowpos (ios_base& str); ios_base& skipws (ios_base& str); ios_base& noskipws (ios_base& str); ios_base& uppercase (ios_base& str); ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& str); ios_base& unitbuf (ios_base& str); ios_base& nounitbuf (ios_base& str); // [adjustfield.manip], adjustfield ios_base& internal (ios_base& str); ios_base& left (ios_base& str); ios_base& right (ios_base& str); // [basefield.manip], basefield ios_base& dec (ios_base& str); ios_base& hex (ios_base& str); ios_base& oct (ios_base& str); // [floatfield.manip], floatfield ios_base& fixed (ios_base& str); ios_base& scientific (ios_base& str); ios_base& hexfloat (ios_base& str); ios_base& defaultfloat(ios_base& str); // [error.reporting], error reporting enum class io_errc { stream = 1 }; template<> struct is_error_code_enum<io_errc> : public true_type { }; error_code make_error_code(io_errc e) noexcept; error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc e) noexcept; const error_category& iostream_category() noexcept; }
using streamoff = implementation-defined;
using streamsize = implementation-defined;
namespace std { class ios_base { public: class failure; // see below // [ios.fmtflags], fmtflags using fmtflags = T1; static constexpr fmtflags boolalpha = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags dec = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags fixed = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags hex = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags internal = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags left = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags oct = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags right = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags scientific = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags showbase = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags showpoint = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags showpos = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags skipws = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags unitbuf = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags uppercase = unspecified; static constexpr fmtflags adjustfield = see below; static constexpr fmtflags basefield = see below; static constexpr fmtflags floatfield = see below; // [ios.iostate], iostate using iostate = T2; static constexpr iostate badbit = unspecified; static constexpr iostate eofbit = unspecified; static constexpr iostate failbit = unspecified; static constexpr iostate goodbit = see below; // [ios.openmode], openmode using openmode = T3; static constexpr openmode app = unspecified; static constexpr openmode ate = unspecified; static constexpr openmode binary = unspecified; static constexpr openmode in = unspecified; static constexpr openmode out = unspecified; static constexpr openmode trunc = unspecified; // [ios.seekdir], seekdir using seekdir = T4; static constexpr seekdir beg = unspecified; static constexpr seekdir cur = unspecified; static constexpr seekdir end = unspecified; class Init; // [fmtflags.state], fmtflags state fmtflags flags() const; fmtflags flags(fmtflags fmtfl); fmtflags setf(fmtflags fmtfl); fmtflags setf(fmtflags fmtfl, fmtflags mask); void unsetf(fmtflags mask); streamsize precision() const; streamsize precision(streamsize prec); streamsize width() const; streamsize width(streamsize wide); // [ios.base.locales], locales locale imbue(const locale& loc); locale getloc() const; // [], storage static int xalloc(); long& iword(int idx); void*& pword(int idx); // destructor virtual ~ios_base(); // [ios.base.callback], callbacks enum event { erase_event, imbue_event, copyfmt_event }; using event_callback = void (*)(event, ios_base&, int idx); void register_callback(event_callback fn, int idx); ios_base(const ios_base&) = delete; ios_base& operator=(const ios_base&) = delete; static bool sync_with_stdio(bool sync = true); protected: ios_base(); private: static int index; // exposition only long* iarray; // exposition only void** parray; // exposition only }; }
namespace std { class ios_base::failure : public system_error { public: explicit failure(const string& msg, const error_code& ec = io_errc::stream); explicit failure(const char* msg, const error_code& ec = io_errc::stream); }; }
explicit failure(const string& msg, const error_code& ec = io_errc::stream);
explicit failure(const char* msg, const error_code& ec = io_errc::stream);
using fmtflags = T1;
Element | Effect(s) if set |
boolalpha | insert and extract bool type in alphabetic format |
dec | converts integer input or generates integer output in decimal base |
fixed | generate floating-point output in fixed-point notation |
hex | converts integer input or generates integer output in hexadecimal base |
internal | adds fill characters at a designated internal point in certain generated output,
or identical to right if no such point is designated |
left | adds fill characters on the right (final positions) of certain generated output |
oct | converts integer input or generates integer output in octal base |
right | adds fill characters on the left (initial positions) of certain generated output |
scientific | generates floating-point output in scientific notation |
showbase | generates a prefix indicating the numeric base of generated integer output |
showpoint | generates a decimal-point character unconditionally in generated floating-point output |
showpos | generates a + sign in non-negative generated numeric output |
skipws | skips leading whitespace before certain input operations |
unitbuf | flushes output after each output operation |
uppercase | replaces certain lowercase letters with their uppercase equivalents in generated output |
using iostate = T2;
Element | Effect(s) if set |
badbit | indicates a loss of integrity in an input or output sequence
(such as an irrecoverable read error from a file); |
eofbit | indicates that an input operation reached the end of an input sequence; |
failbit | indicates that an input operation failed to read the expected characters,
or that an output operation failed to generate the desired characters. |
using openmode = T3;
Element | Effect(s) if set |
app | seek to end before each write |
ate | open and seek to end immediately after opening |
binary | perform input and output in binary mode (as opposed to text mode) |
in | open for input |
out | open for output |
trunc | truncate an existing stream when opening |
using seekdir = T4;
Element | Meaning |
beg | request a seek (for subsequent input or output) relative to the beginning of the stream |
cur | request a seek relative to the current position within the sequence |
end | request a seek relative to the current end of the sequence |
namespace std { class ios_base::Init { public: Init(); Init(const Init&) = default; ~Init(); Init& operator=(const Init&) = default; private: static int init_cnt; // exposition only }; }
fmtflags flags() const;
fmtflags flags(fmtflags fmtfl);
fmtflags setf(fmtflags fmtfl);
fmtflags setf(fmtflags fmtfl, fmtflags mask);
void unsetf(fmtflags mask);
streamsize precision() const;
streamsize precision(streamsize prec);
streamsize width() const;
streamsize width(streamsize wide);
locale imbue(const locale& loc);
locale getloc() const;
static bool sync_with_stdio(bool sync = true);
fputc(f, c);is the same as the effect of
str.rdbuf()->sputc(c);for any sequences of characters; the effect of extracting a character c by
c = fgetc(f);is the same as the effect of
c = str.rdbuf()->sbumpc();for any sequences of characters; and the effect of pushing back a character c by
ungetc(c, f);is the same as the effect of
str.rdbuf()->sputbackc(c);for any sequence of characters.288
static int xalloc();
long& iword(int idx);
void*& pword(int idx);
void register_callback(event_callback fn, int idx);
namespace std { template<class stateT> class fpos { public: // [fpos.members], members stateT state() const; void state(stateT); private; stateT st; // exposition only }; }
Expression | Return type | Operational | Assertion/note |
semantics | pre-/post-condition | ||
P(o) | P | converts from offset | Effects: Value-initializes the state object. |
P p(o); P p = o; | Effects: Value-initializes the state object. Postconditions: p == P(o) | ||
P() | P | P(0) | |
P p; | P p(0); | ||
O(p) | streamoff | converts to offset | P(O(p)) == p |
p != q | convertible to bool | !(p == q) | |
p + o | P | + offset | Remarks: With ql = p + o;, then: ql - o == p |
pl += o | P& | += offset | Remarks: With ql = pl; before the +=, then:
pl - o == ql |
p - o | P | - offset | Remarks: With ql = p - o;, then: ql + o == p |
pl -= o | P& | -= offset | Remarks: With ql = pl; before the -=, then:
pl + o == ql |
o + p | convertible to P | p + o | P(o + p) == p + o |
p - q | streamoff | distance | p == q + (p - q) |
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ios : public ios_base { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [iostate.flags], flags functions explicit operator bool() const; bool operator!() const; iostate rdstate() const; void clear(iostate state = goodbit); void setstate(iostate state); bool good() const; bool eof() const; bool fail() const; bool bad() const; iostate exceptions() const; void exceptions(iostate except); // [basic.ios.cons], constructor/destructor explicit basic_ios(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); virtual ~basic_ios(); // [basic.ios.members], members basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tie() const; basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tie(basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tiestr); basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const; basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); basic_ios& copyfmt(const basic_ios& rhs); char_type fill() const; char_type fill(char_type ch); locale imbue(const locale& loc); char narrow(char_type c, char dfault) const; char_type widen(char c) const; basic_ios(const basic_ios&) = delete; basic_ios& operator=(const basic_ios&) = delete; protected: basic_ios(); void init(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); void move(basic_ios& rhs); void move(basic_ios&& rhs); void swap(basic_ios& rhs) noexcept; void set_rdbuf(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); }; }
explicit basic_ios(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
void init(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
Element | Value |
rdbuf() | sb |
tie() | 0 |
rdstate() | |
exceptions() | goodbit |
flags() | skipws | dec |
width() | 0 |
precision() | 6 |
fill() | widen(' ') |
getloc() | a copy of the value returned by locale() |
iarray | a null pointer |
parray | a null pointer |
basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tie() const;
basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tie(basic_ostream<charT, traits>* tiestr);
basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const;
basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
locale imbue(const locale& loc);
char narrow(char_type c, char dfault) const;
char_type widen(char c) const;
char_type fill() const;
char_type fill(char_type fillch);
basic_ios& copyfmt(const basic_ios& rhs);
Element | Value |
rdbuf() | unchanged |
tie() | rhs.tie() |
rdstate() | unchanged |
exceptions() | rhs.exceptions() |
flags() | rhs.flags() |
width() | rhs.width() |
precision() | rhs.precision() |
fill() | rhs.fill() |
getloc() | rhs.getloc() |
void move(basic_ios& rhs);
void move(basic_ios&& rhs);
void swap(basic_ios& rhs) noexcept;
void set_rdbuf(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
explicit operator bool() const;
bool operator!() const;
iostate rdstate() const;
void clear(iostate state = goodbit);
void setstate(iostate state);
bool good() const;
bool eof() const;
bool fail() const;
bool bad() const;
iostate exceptions() const;
void exceptions(iostate except);
ios_base& boolalpha(ios_base& str);
ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& str);
ios_base& showbase(ios_base& str);
ios_base& noshowbase(ios_base& str);
ios_base& showpoint(ios_base& str);
ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& str);
ios_base& showpos(ios_base& str);
ios_base& noshowpos(ios_base& str);
ios_base& skipws(ios_base& str);
ios_base& noskipws(ios_base& str);
ios_base& uppercase(ios_base& str);
ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& str);
ios_base& unitbuf(ios_base& str);
ios_base& nounitbuf(ios_base& str);
ios_base& internal(ios_base& str);
ios_base& left(ios_base& str);
ios_base& right(ios_base& str);
ios_base& dec(ios_base& str);
ios_base& hex(ios_base& str);
ios_base& oct(ios_base& str);
ios_base& fixed(ios_base& str);
ios_base& scientific(ios_base& str);
ios_base& hexfloat(ios_base& str);
ios_base& defaultfloat(ios_base& str);
error_code make_error_code(io_errc e) noexcept;
error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc e) noexcept;
const error_category& iostream_category() noexcept;
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_streambuf; using streambuf = basic_streambuf<char>; using wstreambuf = basic_streambuf<wchar_t>; }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_streambuf { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; virtual ~basic_streambuf(); // [streambuf.locales], locales locale pubimbue(const locale& loc); locale getloc() const; // [streambuf.buffer], buffer and positioning basic_streambuf* pubsetbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n); pos_type pubseekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); int pubsync(); // get and put areas // [], get area streamsize in_avail(); int_type snextc(); int_type sbumpc(); int_type sgetc(); streamsize sgetn(char_type* s, streamsize n); // [], putback int_type sputbackc(char_type c); int_type sungetc(); // [], put area int_type sputc(char_type c); streamsize sputn(const char_type* s, streamsize n); protected: basic_streambuf(); basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf& rhs); basic_streambuf& operator=(const basic_streambuf& rhs); void swap(basic_streambuf& rhs); // [streambuf.get.area], get area access char_type* eback() const; char_type* gptr() const; char_type* egptr() const; void gbump(int n); void setg(char_type* gbeg, char_type* gnext, char_type* gend); // [streambuf.put.area], put area access char_type* pbase() const; char_type* pptr() const; char_type* epptr() const; void pbump(int n); void setp(char_type* pbeg, char_type* pend); // [streambuf.virtuals], virtual functions // [streambuf.virt.locales], locales virtual void imbue(const locale& loc); // [streambuf.virt.buffer], buffer management and positioning virtual basic_streambuf* setbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n); virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); virtual int sync(); // [streambuf.virt.get], get area virtual streamsize showmanyc(); virtual streamsize xsgetn(char_type* s, streamsize n); virtual int_type underflow(); virtual int_type uflow(); // [streambuf.virt.pback], putback virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof()); // [streambuf.virt.put], put area virtual streamsize xsputn(const char_type* s, streamsize n); virtual int_type overflow(int_type c = traits::eof()); }; }
basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf& rhs);
locale pubimbue(const locale& loc);
locale getloc() const;
basic_streambuf* pubsetbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n);
pos_type pubseekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
pos_type pubseekpos(pos_type sp,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
int pubsync();
streamsize in_avail();
int_type snextc();
int_type sbumpc();
int_type sgetc();
streamsize sgetn(char_type* s, streamsize n);
int_type sputc(char_type c);
streamsize sputn(const char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_streambuf& operator=(const basic_streambuf& rhs);
void swap(basic_streambuf& rhs);
char_type* eback() const;
char_type* gptr() const;
char_type* egptr() const;
void gbump(int n);
void setg(char_type* gbeg, char_type* gnext, char_type* gend);
char_type* pbase() const;
char_type* pptr() const;
char_type* epptr() const;
void pbump(int n);
void setp(char_type* pbeg, char_type* pend);
basic_streambuf* setbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n);
pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
int sync();
streamsize xsgetn(char_type* s, streamsize n);
int_type underflow();
int_type uflow();
int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof());
streamsize xsputn(const char_type* s, streamsize n);
int_type overflow(int_type c = traits::eof());
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_istream; using istream = basic_istream<char>; using wistream = basic_istream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_iostream; using iostream = basic_iostream<char>; using wiostream = basic_iostream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits> basic_istream<charT, traits>& ws(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is); template<class charT, class traits, class T> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&& is, T&& x); }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ostream; using ostream = basic_ostream<char>; using wostream = basic_ostream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& endl(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& ends(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& emit_on_flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& noemit_on_flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& flush_emit(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); template<class charT, class traits, class T> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&& os, const T& x); }
namespace std { // types T1, T2, ... are unspecified implementation types T1 resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask); T2 setiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags mask); T3 setbase(int base); template<class charT> T4 setfill(charT c); T5 setprecision(int n); T6 setw(int n); template<class moneyT> T7 get_money(moneyT& mon, bool intl = false); template<class moneyT> T8 put_money(const moneyT& mon, bool intl = false); template<class charT> T9 get_time(struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt); template<class charT> T10 put_time(const struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt); template<class charT> T11 quoted(const charT* s, charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\')); template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> T12 quoted(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\')); template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> T13 quoted(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\')); template<class charT, class traits> T14 quoted(basic_string_view<charT, traits> s, charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\')); }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<charT, traits> { public: // types (inherited from basic_ios) using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [istream.cons], constructor/destructor explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); virtual ~basic_istream(); // [istream.sentry], prefix/suffix class sentry; // [istream.formatted], formatted input basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_istream<charT, traits>&)); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_ios<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ios<charT, traits>&)); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&)); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(bool& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(short& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(unsigned short& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(int& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(unsigned int& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(long& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(unsigned long& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(long long& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(unsigned long long& n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(float& f); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(double& f); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(long double& f); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(void*& p); basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>* sb); // [istream.unformatted], unformatted input streamsize gcount() const; int_type get(); basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type& c); basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim); basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb); basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb, char_type delim); basic_istream<charT, traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim); basic_istream<charT, traits>& ignore(streamsize n = 1, int_type delim = traits::eof()); int_type peek(); basic_istream<charT, traits>& read (char_type* s, streamsize n); streamsize readsome(char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_istream<charT, traits>& putback(char_type c); basic_istream<charT, traits>& unget(); int sync(); pos_type tellg(); basic_istream<charT, traits>& seekg(pos_type); basic_istream<charT, traits>& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); protected: // [istream.cons], copy/move constructor basic_istream(const basic_istream&) = delete; basic_istream(basic_istream&& rhs); // [istream.assign], assign and swap basic_istream& operator=(const basic_istream&) = delete; basic_istream& operator=(basic_istream&& rhs); void swap(basic_istream& rhs); }; // [istream.extractors], character extraction templates template<class charT, class traits> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&, charT&); template<class traits> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, unsigned char&); template<class traits> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, signed char&); template<class charT, class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&, charT(&)[N]); template<class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, unsigned char(&)[N]); template<class traits, size_t N> basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>&, signed char(&)[N]); }
explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
basic_istream(basic_istream&& rhs);
virtual ~basic_istream();
basic_istream& operator=(basic_istream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_istream& rhs);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_istream<charT, traits>::sentry { bool ok_; // exposition only public: explicit sentry(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, bool noskipws = false); ~sentry(); explicit operator bool() const { return ok_; } sentry(const sentry&) = delete; sentry& operator=(const sentry&) = delete; }; }
explicit sentry(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, bool noskipws = false);
const ctype<charT>& ctype = use_facet<ctype<charT>>(is.getloc()); if (, c) != 0) // c is a whitespace character.
explicit operator bool() const;
operator>>(unsigned short& val);
operator>>(unsigned int& val);
operator>>(long& val);
operator>>(unsigned long& val);
operator>>(long long& val);
operator>>(unsigned long long& val);
operator>>(float& val);
operator>>(double& val);
operator>>(long double& val);
operator>>(bool& val);
operator>>(void*& val);
using numget = num_get<charT, istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>>; iostate err = iostate::goodbit; use_facet<numget>(loc).get(*this, 0, *this, err, val); setstate(err);
operator>>(short& val);
using numget = num_get<charT, istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>>; iostate err = ios_base::goodbit; long lval; use_facet<numget>(loc).get(*this, 0, *this, err, lval); if (lval < numeric_limits<short>::min()) { err |= ios_base::failbit; val = numeric_limits<short>::min(); } else if (numeric_limits<short>::max() < lval) { err |= ios_base::failbit; val = numeric_limits<short>::max(); } else val = static_cast<short>(lval); setstate(err);
operator>>(int& val);
using numget = num_get<charT, istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>>; iostate err = ios_base::goodbit; long lval; use_facet<numget>(loc).get(*this, 0, *this, err, lval); if (lval < numeric_limits<int>::min()) { err |= ios_base::failbit; val = numeric_limits<int>::min(); } else if (numeric_limits<int>::max() < lval) { err |= ios_base::failbit; val = numeric_limits<int>::max(); } else val = static_cast<int>(lval); setstate(err);
basic_istream<charT, traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_istream<charT, traits>&));
basic_istream<charT, traits>&
operator>>(basic_ios<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ios<charT, traits>&));
basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));
template<class charT, class traits, size_t N>
basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& in, charT (&s)[N]);
template<class traits, size_t N>
basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>& in, unsigned char (&s)[N]);
template<class traits, size_t N>
basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>& in, signed char (&s)[N]);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& in, charT& c);
template<class traits>
basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>& in, unsigned char& c);
template<class traits>
basic_istream<char, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<char, traits>& in, signed char& c);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
streamsize gcount() const;
int_type get();
basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type& c);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb, char_type delim);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& get(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>& sb);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n, char_type delim);
#include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; const int line_buffer_size = 100; char buffer[line_buffer_size]; int line_number = 0; while (cin.getline(buffer, line_buffer_size, '\n') || cin.gcount()) { int count = cin.gcount(); if (cin.eof()) cout << "Partial final line"; // is false else if ( { cout << "Partial long line"; cin.clear(cin.rdstate() & ~ios_base::failbit); } else { count--; // Don't include newline in count cout << "Line " << ++line_number; } cout << " (" << count << " chars): " << buffer << endl; } }— end example
basic_istream<charT, traits>& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& ignore(streamsize n = 1, int_type delim = traits::eof());
int_type peek();
basic_istream<charT, traits>& read(char_type* s, streamsize n);
streamsize readsome(char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& putback(char_type c);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& unget();
int sync();
pos_type tellg();
basic_istream<charT, traits>& seekg(pos_type pos);
basic_istream<charT, traits>& seekg(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT, traits>& ws(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is);
template<class Istream, class T>
Istream&& operator>>(Istream&& is, T&& x);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<charT, traits>, public basic_ostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [iostream.cons], constructor explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb); // [iostream.dest], destructor virtual ~basic_iostream(); protected: // [iostream.cons], constructor basic_iostream(const basic_iostream&) = delete; basic_iostream(basic_iostream&& rhs); // [iostream.assign], assign and swap basic_iostream& operator=(const basic_iostream&) = delete; basic_iostream& operator=(basic_iostream&& rhs); void swap(basic_iostream& rhs); }; }
explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
basic_iostream(basic_iostream&& rhs);
basic_iostream& operator=(basic_iostream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_iostream& rhs);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<charT, traits> { public: // types (inherited from basic_ios) using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [ostream.cons], constructor/destructor explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>* sb); virtual ~basic_ostream(); // [ostream.sentry], prefix/suffix class sentry; // [ostream.formatted], formatted output basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&)); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ios<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ios<charT, traits>&)); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&)); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(bool n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(short n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(unsigned short n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(int n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(unsigned int n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(long n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(unsigned long n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(long long n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(unsigned long long n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(float f); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(double f); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(long double f); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(const void* p); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(nullptr_t); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>* sb); // [ostream.unformatted], unformatted output basic_ostream<charT, traits>& put(char_type c); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& write(const char_type* s, streamsize n); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& flush(); // [ostream.seeks], seeks pos_type tellp(); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& seekp(pos_type); basic_ostream<charT, traits>& seekp(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); protected: // [ostream.cons], copy/move constructor basic_ostream(const basic_ostream&) = delete; basic_ostream(basic_ostream&& rhs); // [ostream.assign], assign and swap basic_ostream& operator=(const basic_ostream&) = delete; basic_ostream& operator=(basic_ostream&& rhs); void swap(basic_ostream& rhs); }; // [ostream.inserters.character], character inserters template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&, charT); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&, char); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, char); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, signed char); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, unsigned char); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, wchar_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, char8_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, char16_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, char32_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, char8_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, char16_t) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, char32_t) = delete; template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&, const charT*); template<class charT, class traits> basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&, const char*); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const char*); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const signed char*); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const unsigned char*); template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const wchar_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const char8_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const char16_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>&, const char32_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, const char8_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, const char16_t*) = delete; template<class traits> basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<wchar_t, traits>&, const char32_t*) = delete; }
explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
basic_ostream(basic_ostream&& rhs);
virtual ~basic_ostream();
basic_ostream& operator=(basic_ostream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_ostream& rhs);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ostream<charT, traits>::sentry { bool ok_; // exposition only public: explicit sentry(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os); ~sentry(); explicit operator bool() const { return ok_; } sentry(const sentry&) = delete; sentry& operator=(const sentry&) = delete; }; }
explicit sentry(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
explicit operator bool() const;
pos_type tellp();
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& seekp(pos_type pos);
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& seekp(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir);
operator<<(bool val);
operator<<(short val);
operator<<(unsigned short val);
operator<<(int val);
operator<<(unsigned int val);
operator<<(long val);
operator<<(unsigned long val);
operator<<(long long val);
operator<<(unsigned long long val);
operator<<(float val);
operator<<(double val);
operator<<(long double val);
operator<<(const void* val);
bool failed = use_facet< num_put<charT, ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>> >(getloc()).put(*this, *this, fill(), val).failed();
ios_base::fmtflags baseflags = ios_base::flags() & ios_base::basefield; bool failed = use_facet< num_put<charT, ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>> >(getloc()).put(*this, *this, fill(), baseflags == ios_base::oct || baseflags == ios_base::hex ? static_cast<long>(static_cast<unsigned short>(val)) : static_cast<long>(val)).failed();
ios_base::fmtflags baseflags = ios_base::flags() & ios_base::basefield; bool failed = use_facet< num_put<charT, ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>> >(getloc()).put(*this, *this, fill(), baseflags == ios_base::oct || baseflags == ios_base::hex ? static_cast<long>(static_cast<unsigned int>(val)) : static_cast<long>(val)).failed();
bool failed = use_facet< num_put<charT, ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>> >(getloc()).put(*this, *this, fill(), static_cast<unsigned long>(val)).failed();
bool failed = use_facet< num_put<charT, ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>> >(getloc()).put(*this, *this, fill(), static_cast<double>(val)).failed();
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&));
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ios<charT, traits>& (*pf)(basic_ios<charT, traits>&));
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* sb);
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(nullptr_t);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, charT c);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, char c);
// specialization
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, char c);
// signed and unsigned
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, signed char c);
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, unsigned char c);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, const charT* s);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, const char* s);
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const char* s);
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const signed char* s);
template<class traits>
basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out,
const unsigned char* s);
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& put(char_type c);
basic_ostream& write(const char_type* s, streamsize n);
basic_ostream& flush();
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& endl(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& ends(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& emit_on_flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& noemit_on_flush(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>& flush_emit(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os);
template<class Ostream, class T>
Ostream&& operator<<(Ostream&& os, const T& x);
unspecified resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask);
void f(ios_base& str, ios_base::fmtflags mask) { // reset specified flags str.setf(ios_base::fmtflags(0), mask); }
unspecified setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask);
void f(ios_base& str, ios_base::fmtflags mask) { // set specified flags str.setf(mask); }
unspecified setbase(int base);
void f(ios_base& str, int base) { // set basefield str.setf(base == 8 ? ios_base::oct : base == 10 ? ios_base::dec : base == 16 ? ios_base::hex : ios_base::fmtflags(0), ios_base::basefield); }
unspecified setfill(char_type c);
template<class charT, class traits> void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, charT c) { // set fill character str.fill(c); }
unspecified setprecision(int n);
void f(ios_base& str, int n) { // set precision str.precision(n); }
unspecified setw(int n);
void f(ios_base& str, int n) { // set width str.width(n); }
template<class moneyT> unspecified get_money(moneyT& mon, bool intl = false);
template<class charT, class traits, class moneyT> void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, moneyT& mon, bool intl) { using Iter = istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>; using MoneyGet = money_get<charT, Iter>; ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit; const MoneyGet& mg = use_facet<MoneyGet>(str.getloc()); mg.get(Iter(str.rdbuf()), Iter(), intl, str, err, mon); if (ios_base::goodbit != err) str.setstate(err); }
template<class moneyT> unspecified put_money(const moneyT& mon, bool intl = false);
template<class charT, class traits, class moneyT> void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, const moneyT& mon, bool intl) { using Iter = ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>; using MoneyPut = money_put<charT, Iter>; const MoneyPut& mp = use_facet<MoneyPut>(str.getloc()); const Iter end = mp.put(Iter(str.rdbuf()), intl, str, str.fill(), mon); if (end.failed()) str.setstate(ios_base::badbit); }
template<class charT> unspecified get_time(struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt);
template<class charT, class traits> void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt) { using Iter = istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>; using TimeGet = time_get<charT, Iter>; ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit; const TimeGet& tg = use_facet<TimeGet>(str.getloc()); tg.get(Iter(str.rdbuf()), Iter(), str, err, tmb, fmt, fmt + traits::length(fmt)); if (err != ios_base::goodbit) str.setstate(err); }
template<class charT> unspecified put_time(const struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt);
template<class charT, class traits> void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, const struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt) { using Iter = ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>; using TimePut = time_put<charT, Iter>; const TimePut& tp = use_facet<TimePut>(str.getloc()); const Iter end = tp.put(Iter(str.rdbuf()), str, str.fill(), tmb, fmt, fmt + traits::length(fmt)); if (end.failed()) str.setstate(ios_base::badbit); }
template<class charT>
unspecified quoted(const charT* s, charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\'));
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
unspecified quoted(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\'));
template<class charT, class traits>
unspecified quoted(basic_string_view<charT, traits> s,
charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\'));
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
unspecified quoted(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
charT delim = charT('"'), charT escape = charT('\\'));
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringbuf; using stringbuf = basic_stringbuf<char>; using wstringbuf = basic_stringbuf<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_istringstream; using istringstream = basic_istringstream<char>; using wistringstream = basic_istringstream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_ostringstream; using ostringstream = basic_ostringstream<char>; using wostringstream = basic_ostringstream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringstream; using stringstream = basic_stringstream<char>; using wstringstream = basic_stringstream<wchar_t>; }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringbuf : public basic_streambuf<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; // [stringbuf.cons], constructors basic_stringbuf() : basic_stringbuf(ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {} explicit basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode which); explicit basic_stringbuf( const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); explicit basic_stringbuf(const Allocator& a) : basic_stringbuf(ios_base::in | ios_base::out, a) {} basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); explicit basic_stringbuf( basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); template<class SAlloc> basic_stringbuf( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, const Allocator& a) : basic_stringbuf(s, ios_base::in | ios_base::out, a) {} template<class SAlloc> basic_stringbuf( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); template<class SAlloc> explicit basic_stringbuf( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); basic_stringbuf(const basic_stringbuf&) = delete; basic_stringbuf(basic_stringbuf&& rhs); basic_stringbuf(basic_stringbuf&& rhs, const Allocator& a); // [stringbuf.assign], assign and swap basic_stringbuf& operator=(const basic_stringbuf&) = delete; basic_stringbuf& operator=(basic_stringbuf&& rhs); void swap(basic_stringbuf& rhs) noexcept(see below); // [stringbuf.members], getters and setters allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &; template<class SAlloc> basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() &&; basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept; void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s); template<class SAlloc> void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s); void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s); protected: // [stringbuf.virtuals], overridden virtual functions int_type underflow() override; int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof()) override; int_type overflow (int_type c = traits::eof()) override; basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* setbuf(charT*, streamsize) override; pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override; pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override; private: ios_base::openmode mode; // exposition only basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> buf; // exposition only void init_buf_ptrs(); // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> void swap(basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>& x, basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y))); }
explicit basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode which);
explicit basic_stringbuf(
const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
basic_stringbuf(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator &a);
explicit basic_stringbuf(
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
template<class SAlloc>
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator &a);
template<class SAlloc>
explicit basic_stringbuf(
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
basic_stringbuf(basic_stringbuf&& rhs);
basic_stringbuf(basic_stringbuf&& rhs, const Allocator& a);
basic_stringbuf& operator=(basic_stringbuf&& rhs);
void swap(basic_stringbuf& rhs) noexcept(see below);
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
void swap(basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>& x,
basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y)));
void init_buf_ptrs(); // exposition only
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &;
template<class SAlloc>
basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const;
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() &&;
basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept;
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s);
template<class SAlloc>
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s);
void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s);
int_type underflow() override;
int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof()) override;
int_type overflow(int_type c = traits::eof()) override;
pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
Conditions | Result |
ios_base::in is set in which | positions the input sequence |
ios_base::out is set in which | positions the output sequence |
both ios_base::in and ios_base::out are
set in which and either way == ios_base::beg or way == ios_base::end | positions both the input and the output sequences |
Otherwise | the positioning operation fails. |
pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* setbuf(charT* s, streamsize n);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; // [istringstream.cons], constructors basic_istringstream() : basic_istringstream(ios_base::in) {} explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode which); explicit basic_istringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in); basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); explicit basic_istringstream( basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in); template<class SAlloc> basic_istringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, const Allocator& a) : basic_istringstream(s, ios_base::in, a) {} template<class SAlloc> basic_istringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); template<class SAlloc> explicit basic_istringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in); basic_istringstream(const basic_istringstream&) = delete; basic_istringstream(basic_istringstream&& rhs); // [istringstream.assign], assign and swap basic_istringstream& operator=(const basic_istringstream&) = delete; basic_istringstream& operator=(basic_istringstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_istringstream& rhs); // [istringstream.members], members basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &; template<class SAlloc> basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() &&; basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept; void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s); template<class SAlloc> void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s); void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s); private: basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> void swap(basic_istringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x, basic_istringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y); }
explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode which);
explicit basic_istringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
explicit basic_istringstream(
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
template<class SAlloc>
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
template<class SAlloc>
explicit basic_istringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
basic_istringstream(basic_istringstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_istringstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
void swap(basic_istringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x,
basic_istringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y);
basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const;
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &;
template<class SAlloc>
basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const;
basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> str() &&;
basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept;
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s);
template<class SAlloc>
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s);
void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_ostringstream : public basic_ostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; // [ostringstream.cons], constructors basic_ostringstream() : basic_ostringstream(ios_base::out) {} explicit basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode which); explicit basic_ostringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out); basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); explicit basic_ostringstream( basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out); template<class SAlloc> basic_ostringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, const Allocator& a) : basic_ostringstream(s, ios_base::out, a) {} template<class SAlloc> basic_ostringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); template<class SAlloc> explicit basic_ostringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out); basic_ostringstream(const basic_ostringstream&) = delete; basic_ostringstream(basic_ostringstream&& rhs); // [ostringstream.assign], assign and swap basic_ostringstream& operator=(const basic_ostringstream&) = delete; basic_ostringstream& operator=(basic_ostringstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_ostringstream& rhs); // [ostringstream.members], members basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &; template<class SAlloc> basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() &&; basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept; void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s); template<class SAlloc> void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s); void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s); private: basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> void swap(basic_ostringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x, basic_ostringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y); }
explicit basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode which);
explicit basic_ostringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out);
basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
explicit basic_ostringstream(
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out);
template<class SAlloc>
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
template<class SAlloc>
explicit basic_ostringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out);
basic_ostringstream(basic_ostringstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_ostringstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
void swap(basic_ostringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x,
basic_ostringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y);
basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const;
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &;
template<class SAlloc>
basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const;
basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> str() &&;
basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept;
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s);
template<class SAlloc>
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s);
void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; // [stringstream.cons], constructors basic_stringstream() : basic_stringstream(ios_base::out | ios_base::in) {} explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which); explicit basic_stringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in); basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); explicit basic_stringstream( basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in); template<class SAlloc> basic_stringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, const Allocator& a) : basic_stringstream(s, ios_base::out | ios_base::in, a) {} template<class SAlloc> basic_stringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a); template<class SAlloc> explicit basic_stringstream( const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in); basic_stringstream(const basic_stringstream&) = delete; basic_stringstream(basic_stringstream&& rhs); // [stringstream.assign], assign and swap basic_stringstream& operator=(const basic_stringstream&) = delete; basic_stringstream& operator=(basic_stringstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_stringstream& rhs); // [stringstream.members], members basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &; template<class SAlloc> basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const; basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() &&; basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept; void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s); template<class SAlloc> void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s); void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s); private: basic_stringbuf<charT, traits> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> void swap(basic_stringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x, basic_stringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y); }
explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which);
explicit basic_stringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in);
basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
explicit basic_stringstream(
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in);
template<class SAlloc>
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which, const Allocator& a);
template<class SAlloc>
explicit basic_stringstream(
const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s,
ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out | ios_base::in);
basic_stringstream(basic_stringstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_stringstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
void swap(basic_stringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& x,
basic_stringstream<charT, traits, Allocator>& y);
basic_stringbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>* rdbuf() const;
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> str() const &;
template<class SAlloc>
basic_string<charT,traits,SAlloc> str(const SAlloc& sa) const;
basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> str() &&;
basic_string_view<charT, traits> view() const noexcept;
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& s);
template<class SAlloc>
void str(const basic_string<charT, traits, SAlloc>& s);
void str(basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>&& s);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_filebuf; using filebuf = basic_filebuf<char>; using wfilebuf = basic_filebuf<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ifstream; using ifstream = basic_ifstream<char>; using wifstream = basic_ifstream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ofstream; using ofstream = basic_ofstream<char>; using wofstream = basic_ofstream<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_fstream; using fstream = basic_fstream<char>; using wfstream = basic_fstream<wchar_t>; }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_filebuf : public basic_streambuf<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [filebuf.cons], constructors/destructor basic_filebuf(); basic_filebuf(const basic_filebuf&) = delete; basic_filebuf(basic_filebuf&& rhs); virtual ~basic_filebuf(); // [filebuf.assign], assign and swap basic_filebuf& operator=(const basic_filebuf&) = delete; basic_filebuf& operator=(basic_filebuf&& rhs); void swap(basic_filebuf& rhs); // [filebuf.members], members bool is_open() const; basic_filebuf* open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode); basic_filebuf* open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] basic_filebuf* open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode); basic_filebuf* open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode); basic_filebuf* close(); protected: // [filebuf.virtuals], overridden virtual functions streamsize showmanyc() override; int_type underflow() override; int_type uflow() override; int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof()) override; int_type overflow (int_type c = traits::eof()) override; basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* setbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n) override; pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override; pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override; int sync() override; void imbue(const locale& loc) override; }; template<class charT, class traits> void swap(basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& x, basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& y); }
const codecvt<charT, char, typename traits::state_type>& a_codecvt = use_facet<codecvt<charT, char, typename traits::state_type>>(getloc());
basic_filebuf(basic_filebuf&& rhs);
virtual ~basic_filebuf();
basic_filebuf& operator=(basic_filebuf&& rhs);
void swap(basic_filebuf& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits>
void swap(basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& x,
basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& y);
bool is_open() const;
basic_filebuf* open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode);
basic_filebuf* open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
ios_base flag combination | stdio equivalent | ||||
binary | in | out | trunc | app | |
+ | "w" | ||||
+ | + | "a" | |||
+ | "a" | ||||
+ | + | "w" | |||
+ | "r" | ||||
+ | + | "r+" | |||
+ | + | + | "w+" | ||
+ | + | + | "a+" | ||
+ | + | "a+" | |||
+ | + | "wb" | |||
+ | + | + | "ab" | ||
+ | + | "ab" | |||
+ | + | + | "wb" | ||
+ | + | "rb" | |||
+ | + | + | "r+b" | ||
+ | + | + | + | "w+b" | |
+ | + | + | + | "a+b" | |
+ | + | + | "a+b" |
basic_filebuf* open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode);
basic_filebuf* open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode);
basic_filebuf* close();
streamsize showmanyc() override;
int_type underflow() override;
char extern_buf[XSIZE]; char* extern_end; charT intern_buf[ISIZE]; charT* intern_end; codecvt_base::result r =, extern_buf, extern_buf+XSIZE, extern_end, intern_buf, intern_buf+ISIZE, intern_end);
int_type uflow() override;
int_type pbackfail(int_type c = traits::eof()) override;
int_type overflow(int_type c = traits::eof()) override;
charT* b = pbase(); charT* p = pptr(); charT* end; char xbuf[XSIZE]; char* xbuf_end; codecvt_base::result r = a_codecvt.out(state, b, p, end, xbuf, xbuf+XSIZE, xbuf_end);and then
basic_streambuf* setbuf(char_type* s, streamsize n) override;
pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
way Value | stdio Equivalent |
basic_ios::beg | SEEK_SET |
basic_ios::cur | SEEK_CUR |
basic_ios::end | SEEK_END |
pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp,
ios_base::openmode which
= ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
int sync() override;
void imbue(const locale& loc) override;
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ifstream : public basic_istream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [ifstream.cons], constructors basic_ifstream(); explicit basic_ifstream(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); explicit basic_ifstream(const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);// wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] explicit basic_ifstream(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); explicit basic_ifstream(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); basic_ifstream(const basic_ifstream&) = delete; basic_ifstream(basic_ifstream&& rhs); // [ifstream.assign], assign and swap basic_ifstream& operator=(const basic_ifstream&) = delete; basic_ifstream& operator=(basic_ifstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_ifstream& rhs); // [ifstream.members], members basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const; bool is_open() const; void open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); void open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] void open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); void open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); void close(); private: basic_filebuf<charT, traits> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits> void swap(basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& x, basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& y); }
explicit basic_ifstream(const char* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
explicit basic_ifstream(const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
explicit basic_ifstream(const string& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
explicit basic_ifstream(const filesystem::path& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
basic_ifstream(basic_ifstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_ifstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits>
void swap(basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& x,
basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& y);
basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const;
bool is_open() const;
void open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
void open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
void open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
void open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
void close();
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_ofstream : public basic_ostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [ofstream.cons], constructors basic_ofstream(); explicit basic_ofstream(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); explicit basic_ofstream(const filesystem::path::value_type* s, // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); explicit basic_ofstream(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); explicit basic_ofstream(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); basic_ofstream(const basic_ofstream&) = delete; basic_ofstream(basic_ofstream&& rhs); // [ofstream.assign], assign and swap basic_ofstream& operator=(const basic_ofstream&) = delete; basic_ofstream& operator=(basic_ofstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_ofstream& rhs); // [ofstream.members], members basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const; bool is_open() const; void open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); void open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] void open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); void open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); void close(); private: basic_filebuf<charT, traits> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits> void swap(basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& x, basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& y); }
explicit basic_ofstream(const char* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
explicit basic_ofstream(const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
explicit basic_ofstream(const string& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
explicit basic_ofstream(const filesystem::path& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
basic_ofstream(basic_ofstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_ofstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits>
void swap(basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& x,
basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& y);
basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const;
bool is_open() const;
void open(const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
void open(const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
void close();
void open(const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
void open(const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>> class basic_fstream : public basic_iostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; // [fstream.cons], constructors basic_fstream(); explicit basic_fstream( const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); explicit basic_fstream( const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in|ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] explicit basic_fstream( const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); explicit basic_fstream( const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); basic_fstream(const basic_fstream&) = delete; basic_fstream(basic_fstream&& rhs); // [fstream.assign], assign and swap basic_fstream& operator=(const basic_fstream&) = delete; basic_fstream& operator=(basic_fstream&& rhs); void swap(basic_fstream& rhs); // [fstream.members], members basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const; bool is_open() const; void open( const char* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); void open( const filesystem::path::value_type* s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in|ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn] void open( const string& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); void open( const filesystem::path& s, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); void close(); private: basic_filebuf<charT, traits> sb; // exposition only }; template<class charT, class traits> void swap(basic_fstream<charT, traits>& x, basic_fstream<charT, traits>& y); }
explicit basic_fstream(
const char* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
explicit basic_fstream(
const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
explicit basic_fstream(
const string& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
explicit basic_fstream(
const filesystem::path& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
basic_fstream(basic_fstream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_fstream& rhs);
template<class charT, class traits>
void swap(basic_fstream<charT, traits>& x,
basic_fstream<charT, traits>& y);
basic_filebuf<charT, traits>* rdbuf() const;
bool is_open() const;
void open(
const char* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
void open(
const filesystem::path::value_type* s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out); // wide systems only; see [fstream.syn]
void open(
const string& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
void open(
const filesystem::path& s,
ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
void close();
#include <ostream> // see [ostream.syn] namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_syncbuf; using syncbuf = basic_syncbuf<char>; using wsyncbuf = basic_syncbuf<wchar_t>; template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_osyncstream; using osyncstream = basic_osyncstream<char>; using wosyncstream = basic_osyncstream<wchar_t>; }
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_syncbuf : public basic_streambuf<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<charT, traits>; // [syncstream.syncbuf.cons], construction and destruction basic_syncbuf() : basic_syncbuf(nullptr) {} explicit basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type* obuf) : basic_syncbuf(obuf, Allocator()) {} basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type*, const Allocator&); basic_syncbuf(basic_syncbuf&&); ~basic_syncbuf(); // [syncstream.syncbuf.assign], assignment and swap basic_syncbuf& operator=(basic_syncbuf&&); void swap(basic_syncbuf&); // [syncstream.syncbuf.members], member functions bool emit(); streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept; allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept; void set_emit_on_sync(bool) noexcept; protected: // [syncstream.syncbuf.virtuals], overridden virtual functions int sync() override; private: streambuf_type* wrapped; // exposition only bool emit_on_sync{}; // exposition only }; // [syncstream.syncbuf.special], specialized algorithms template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator> void swap(basic_syncbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>&, basic_syncbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>&); }
basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type* obuf, const Allocator& allocator);
basic_syncbuf(basic_syncbuf&& other);
basic_syncbuf& operator=(basic_syncbuf&& rhs) noexcept;
void swap(basic_syncbuf& other) noexcept;
bool emit();
streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept;
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;
void set_emit_on_sync(bool b) noexcept;
namespace std { template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> class basic_osyncstream : public basic_ostream<charT, traits> { public: using char_type = charT; using int_type = typename traits::int_type; using pos_type = typename traits::pos_type; using off_type = typename traits::off_type; using traits_type = traits; using allocator_type = Allocator; using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<charT, traits>; using syncbuf_type = basic_syncbuf<charT, traits, Allocator>; // [syncstream.osyncstream.cons], construction and destruction basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type*, const Allocator&); explicit basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type* obuf) : basic_osyncstream(obuf, Allocator()) {} basic_osyncstream(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const Allocator& allocator) : basic_osyncstream(os.rdbuf(), allocator) {} explicit basic_osyncstream(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os) : basic_osyncstream(os, Allocator()) {} basic_osyncstream(basic_osyncstream&&) noexcept; ~basic_osyncstream(); // assignment basic_osyncstream& operator=(basic_osyncstream&&) noexcept; // [syncstream.osyncstream.members], member functions void emit(); streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept; syncbuf_type* rdbuf() const noexcept { return const_cast<syncbuf_type*>(addressof(sb)); } private: syncbuf_type sb; // exposition only }; }
basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type* buf, const Allocator& allocator);
basic_osyncstream(basic_osyncstream&& other) noexcept;
void emit();
{ osyncstream bout(cout); bout << "Hello," << '\n'; // no flush bout.emit(); // characters transferred; cout not flushed bout << "World!" << endl; // flush noted; cout not flushed bout.emit(); // characters transferred; cout flushed bout << "Greetings." << '\n'; // no flush } // characters transferred; cout not flushed
streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept;
{ osyncstream bout1(cout); bout1 << "Hello, "; { osyncstream(bout1.get_wrapped()) << "Goodbye, " << "Planet!" << '\n'; } bout1 << "World!" << '\n'; }produces the uninterleaved output
Goodbye, Planet! Hello, World!
#include <compare> // see [compare.syn] namespace std::filesystem { // [fs.class.path], paths class path; // [fs.path.nonmember], path non-member functions void swap(path& lhs, path& rhs) noexcept; size_t hash_value(const path& p) noexcept; // [fs.class.filesystem.error], filesystem errors class filesystem_error; // [], directory entries class directory_entry; // [], directory iterators class directory_iterator; // [fs.dir.itr.nonmembers], range access for directory iterators directory_iterator begin(directory_iterator iter) noexcept; directory_iterator end(const directory_iterator&) noexcept; // [fs.class.rec.dir.itr], recursive directory iterators class recursive_directory_iterator; // [fs.rec.dir.itr.nonmembers], range access for recursive directory iterators recursive_directory_iterator begin(recursive_directory_iterator iter) noexcept; recursive_directory_iterator end(const recursive_directory_iterator&) noexcept; // [fs.class.file.status], file status class file_status; struct space_info { uintmax_t capacity; uintmax_t free; uintmax_t available; friend bool operator==(const space_info&, const space_info&) = default; }; // [fs.enum], enumerations enum class file_type; enum class perms; enum class perm_options; enum class copy_options; enum class directory_options; using file_time_type = chrono::time_point<chrono::file_clock>; // [fs.op.funcs], filesystem operations path absolute(const path& p); path absolute(const path& p, error_code& ec); path canonical(const path& p); path canonical(const path& p, error_code& ec); void copy(const path& from, const path& to); void copy(const path& from, const path& to, error_code& ec); void copy(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options); void copy(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options, error_code& ec); bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to); bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, error_code& ec); bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options option); bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options option, error_code& ec); void copy_symlink(const path& existing_symlink, const path& new_symlink); void copy_symlink(const path& existing_symlink, const path& new_symlink, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool create_directories(const path& p); bool create_directories(const path& p, error_code& ec); bool create_directory(const path& p); bool create_directory(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool create_directory(const path& p, const path& attributes); bool create_directory(const path& p, const path& attributes, error_code& ec) noexcept; void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink); void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink, error_code& ec) noexcept; void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& new_hard_link); void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& new_hard_link, error_code& ec) noexcept; void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink); void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink, error_code& ec) noexcept; path current_path(); path current_path(error_code& ec); void current_path(const path& p); void current_path(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2); bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool exists(file_status s) noexcept; bool exists(const path& p); bool exists(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; uintmax_t file_size(const path& p); uintmax_t file_size(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p); uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_block_file(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_block_file(const path& p); bool is_block_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_character_file(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_character_file(const path& p); bool is_character_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_directory(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_directory(const path& p); bool is_directory(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_empty(const path& p); bool is_empty(const path& p, error_code& ec); bool is_fifo(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_fifo(const path& p); bool is_fifo(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_other(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_other(const path& p); bool is_other(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_regular_file(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_regular_file(const path& p); bool is_regular_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_socket(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_socket(const path& p); bool is_socket(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool is_symlink(file_status s) noexcept; bool is_symlink(const path& p); bool is_symlink(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; file_time_type last_write_time(const path& p); file_time_type last_write_time(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; void last_write_time(const path& p, file_time_type new_time); void last_write_time(const path& p, file_time_type new_time, error_code& ec) noexcept; void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, perm_options opts=perm_options::replace); void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, error_code& ec) noexcept; void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, perm_options opts, error_code& ec); path proximate(const path& p, error_code& ec); path proximate(const path& p, const path& base = current_path()); path proximate(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec); path read_symlink(const path& p); path read_symlink(const path& p, error_code& ec); path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec); path relative(const path& p, const path& base = current_path()); path relative(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec); bool remove(const path& p); bool remove(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p); uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p, error_code& ec); void rename(const path& from, const path& to); void rename(const path& from, const path& to, error_code& ec) noexcept; void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t size); void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t size, error_code& ec) noexcept; space_info space(const path& p); space_info space(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; file_status status(const path& p); file_status status(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; bool status_known(file_status s) noexcept; file_status symlink_status(const path& p); file_status symlink_status(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept; path temp_directory_path(); path temp_directory_path(error_code& ec); path weakly_canonical(const path& p); path weakly_canonical(const path& p, error_code& ec); }
namespace std::filesystem { class path { public: using value_type = see below; using string_type = basic_string<value_type>; static constexpr value_type preferred_separator = see below; // [fs.enum.path.format], enumeration format enum format; // [fs.path.construct], constructors and destructor path() noexcept; path(const path& p); path(path&& p) noexcept; path(string_type&& source, format fmt = auto_format); template<class Source> path(const Source& source, format fmt = auto_format); template<class InputIterator> path(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, format fmt = auto_format); template<class Source> path(const Source& source, const locale& loc, format fmt = auto_format); template<class InputIterator> path(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const locale& loc, format fmt = auto_format); ~path(); // [fs.path.assign], assignments path& operator=(const path& p); path& operator=(path&& p) noexcept; path& operator=(string_type&& source); path& assign(string_type&& source); template<class Source> path& operator=(const Source& source); template<class Source> path& assign(const Source& source); template<class InputIterator> path& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last); // [fs.path.append], appends path& operator/=(const path& p); template<class Source> path& operator/=(const Source& source); template<class Source> path& append(const Source& source); template<class InputIterator> path& append(InputIterator first, InputIterator last); // [fs.path.concat], concatenation path& operator+=(const path& x); path& operator+=(const string_type& x); path& operator+=(basic_string_view<value_type> x); path& operator+=(const value_type* x); path& operator+=(value_type x); template<class Source> path& operator+=(const Source& x); template<class EcharT> path& operator+=(EcharT x); template<class Source> path& concat(const Source& x); template<class InputIterator> path& concat(InputIterator first, InputIterator last); // [fs.path.modifiers], modifiers void clear() noexcept; path& make_preferred(); path& remove_filename(); path& replace_filename(const path& replacement); path& replace_extension(const path& replacement = path()); void swap(path& rhs) noexcept; // [fs.path.nonmember], non-member operators friend bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) noexcept; friend strong_ordering operator<=>(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) noexcept; friend path operator/ (const path& lhs, const path& rhs); // [fs.path.native.obs], native format observers const string_type& native() const noexcept; const value_type* c_str() const noexcept; operator string_type() const; template<class EcharT, class traits = char_traits<EcharT>, class Allocator = allocator<EcharT>> basic_string<EcharT, traits, Allocator> string(const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const; std::string string() const; std::wstring wstring() const; std::u8string u8string() const; std::u16string u16string() const; std::u32string u32string() const; // [fs.path.generic.obs], generic format observers template<class EcharT, class traits = char_traits<EcharT>, class Allocator = allocator<EcharT>> basic_string<EcharT, traits, Allocator> generic_string(const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const; std::string generic_string() const; std::wstring generic_wstring() const; std::u8string generic_u8string() const; std::u16string generic_u16string() const; std::u32string generic_u32string() const; // [], compare int compare(const path& p) const noexcept; int compare(const string_type& s) const; int compare(basic_string_view<value_type> s) const; int compare(const value_type* s) const; // [fs.path.decompose], decomposition path root_name() const; path root_directory() const; path root_path() const; path relative_path() const; path parent_path() const; path filename() const; path stem() const; path extension() const; // [fs.path.query], query [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept; bool has_root_name() const; bool has_root_directory() const; bool has_root_path() const; bool has_relative_path() const; bool has_parent_path() const; bool has_filename() const; bool has_stem() const; bool has_extension() const; bool is_absolute() const; bool is_relative() const; // [fs.path.gen], generation path lexically_normal() const; path lexically_relative(const path& base) const; path lexically_proximate(const path& base) const; // [fs.path.itr], iterators class iterator; using const_iterator = iterator; iterator begin() const; iterator end() const; // [], path inserter and extractor template<class charT, class traits> friend basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const path& p); template<class charT, class traits> friend basic_istream<charT, traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, path& p); }; }
path() noexcept;
path(const path& p);
path(path&& p) noexcept;
path(string_type&& source, format fmt = auto_format);
template<class Source>
path(const Source& source, format fmt = auto_format);
template<class InputIterator>
path(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, format fmt = auto_format);
template<class Source>
path(const Source& source, const locale& loc, format fmt = auto_format);
template<class InputIterator>
path(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const locale& loc, format fmt = auto_format);
namespace fs = std::filesystem; std::string latin1_string = read_latin1_data(); codecvt_8859_1<wchar_t> latin1_facet; std::locale latin1_locale(std::locale(), latin1_facet); fs::create_directory(fs::path(latin1_string, latin1_locale));
path& operator=(const path& p);
path& operator=(path&& p) noexcept;
path& operator=(string_type&& source);
path& assign(string_type&& source);
template<class Source>
path& operator=(const Source& source);
template<class Source>
path& assign(const Source& source);
template<class InputIterator>
path& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
path& operator/=(const path& p);
// On POSIX, path("foo") /= path(""); // yields path("foo/") path("foo") /= path("/bar"); // yields path("/bar") // On Windows, path("foo") /= path(""); // yields path("foo\\") path("foo") /= path("/bar"); // yields path("/bar") path("foo") /= path("c:/bar"); // yields path("c:/bar") path("foo") /= path("c:"); // yields path("c:") path("c:") /= path(""); // yields path("c:") path("c:foo") /= path("/bar"); // yields path("c:/bar") path("c:foo") /= path("c:bar"); // yields path("c:foo\\bar")
template<class Source>
path& operator/=(const Source& source);
template<class Source>
path& append(const Source& source);
template<class InputIterator>
path& append(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
path& operator+=(const path& x);
path& operator+=(const string_type& x);
path& operator+=(basic_string_view<value_type> x);
path& operator+=(const value_type* x);
template<class Source>
path& operator+=(const Source& x);
template<class Source>
path& concat(const Source& x);
path& operator+=(value_type x);
template<class EcharT>
path& operator+=(EcharT x);
template<class InputIterator>
path& concat(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
void clear() noexcept;
path& make_preferred();
path p("foo/bar"); std::cout << p << '\n'; p.make_preferred(); std::cout << p << '\n';
"foo/bar" "foo/bar"
"foo/bar" "foo\bar"
path& remove_filename();
path& replace_filename(const path& replacement);
path& replace_extension(const path& replacement = path());
void swap(path& rhs) noexcept;
const string_type& native() const noexcept;
const value_type* c_str() const noexcept;
operator string_type() const;
template<class EcharT, class traits = char_traits<EcharT>,
class Allocator = allocator<EcharT>>
basic_string<EcharT, traits, Allocator>
string(const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const;
std::string string() const;
std::wstring wstring() const;
std::u8string u8string() const;
std::u16string u16string() const;
std::u32string u32string() const;
path("foo\\bar").generic_string()returns "foo/bar".
template<class EcharT, class traits = char_traits<EcharT>,
class Allocator = allocator<EcharT>>
basic_string<EcharT, traits, Allocator>
generic_string(const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const;
std::string generic_string() const;
std::wstring generic_wstring() const;
std::u8string generic_u8string() const;
std::u16string generic_u16string() const;
std::u32string generic_u32string() const;
int compare(const path& p) const noexcept;
int compare(const string_type& s) const;
int compare(basic_string_view<value_type> s) const;
int compare(const value_type* s) const;
path root_name() const;
path root_directory() const;
path root_path() const;
path relative_path() const;
path parent_path() const;
path filename() const;
path("/foo/bar.txt").filename(); // yields "bar.txt" path("/foo/bar").filename(); // yields "bar" path("/foo/bar/").filename(); // yields "" path("/").filename(); // yields "" path("//host").filename(); // yields "" path(".").filename(); // yields "." path("..").filename(); // yields ".."— end example
path stem() const;
path extension() const;
path("/foo/bar.txt").extension(); // yields ".txt" and stem() is "bar" path("/foo/bar").extension(); // yields "" and stem() is "bar" path("/foo/.profile").extension(); // yields "" and stem() is ".profile" path(".bar").extension(); // yields "" and stem() is ".bar" path("").extension(); // yields ".bar" and stem() is "."— end example
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept;
bool has_root_path() const;
bool has_root_name() const;
bool has_root_directory() const;
bool has_relative_path() const;
bool has_parent_path() const;
bool has_filename() const;
bool has_stem() const;
bool has_extension() const;
bool is_absolute() const;
bool is_relative() const;
path lexically_normal() const;
assert(path("foo/./bar/..").lexically_normal() == "foo/"); assert(path("foo/.///bar/../").lexically_normal() == "foo/");
path lexically_relative(const path& base) const;
auto [a, b] = mismatch(begin(), end(), base.begin(), base.end());
assert(path("/a/d").lexically_relative("/a/b/c") == "../../d"); assert(path("/a/b/c").lexically_relative("/a/d") == "../b/c"); assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a") == "b/c"); assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a/b/c/x/y") == "../.."); assert(path("a/b/c").lexically_relative("a/b/c") == "."); assert(path("a/b").lexically_relative("c/d") == "../../a/b");
path lexically_proximate(const path& base) const;
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
template<class charT, class traits>
friend basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const path& p);
template<class charT, class traits>
friend basic_istream<charT, traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, path& p);
void swap(path& lhs, path& rhs) noexcept;
size_t hash_value (const path& p) noexcept;
friend bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) noexcept;
friend strong_ordering operator<=>(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) noexcept;
friend path operator/ (const path& lhs, const path& rhs);
namespace std::filesystem { class filesystem_error : public system_error { public: filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, error_code ec); filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, const path& p1, error_code ec); filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, const path& p1, const path& p2, error_code ec); const path& path1() const noexcept; const path& path2() const noexcept; const char* what() const noexcept override; }; }
filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, error_code ec);
filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, const path& p1, error_code ec);
filesystem_error(const string& what_arg, const path& p1, const path& p2, error_code ec);
const path& path1() const noexcept;
const path& path2() const noexcept;
const char* what() const noexcept override;
Name | Meaning |
native_format | The native pathname format. |
generic_format | The generic pathname format. |
auto_format | The interpretation of the format of the character sequence is
implementation-defined. The implementation may inspect the content of the character sequence to
determine the format. |
Constant | Meaning |
none | The type of the file has not been determined or an error occurred while
trying to determine the type. |
not_found | Pseudo-type indicating the file was not found. |
regular | Regular file |
directory | Directory file |
symlink | Symbolic link file |
block | Block special file |
character | Character special file |
fifo | FIFO or pipe file |
socket | Socket file |
unknown | The file exists but the type could not be determined |
Option group controlling copy_file function effects for existing target files | |
Constant | Meaning |
none | (Default) Error; file already exists. |
skip_existing | Do not overwrite existing file, do not report an error. |
overwrite_existing | Overwrite the existing file. |
update_existing | Overwrite the existing file if it is older than the replacement file. |
Option group controlling copy function effects for sub-directories | |
Constant | Meaning |
none | (Default) Do not copy sub-directories. |
recursive | Recursively copy sub-directories and their contents. |
Option group controlling copy function effects for symbolic links | |
Constant | Meaning |
none | (Default) Follow symbolic links. |
copy_symlinks | Copy symbolic links as symbolic links rather than copying the files that
they point to. |
skip_symlinks | Ignore symbolic links. |
Option group controlling copy function effects for choosing the form of copying | |
Constant | Meaning |
none | (Default) Copy content. |
directories_only | Copy directory structure only, do not copy non-directory files. |
create_symlinks | Make symbolic links instead of copies of files. The source path shall be
an absolute path unless the destination path is in the current directory. |
create_hard_links | Make hard links instead of copies of files. |
Name | Value | POSIX | Definition or notes |
(octal) | macro | ||
none | 0 | There are no permissions set for the file. | |
owner_read | 0400 | S_IRUSR | Read permission, owner |
owner_write | 0200 | S_IWUSR | Write permission, owner |
owner_exec | 0100 | S_IXUSR | Execute/search permission, owner |
owner_all | 0700 | S_IRWXU | Read, write, execute/search by owner; owner_read | owner_write | owner_exec |
group_read | 040 | S_IRGRP | Read permission, group |
group_write | 020 | S_IWGRP | Write permission, group |
group_exec | 010 | S_IXGRP | Execute/search permission, group |
group_all | 070 | S_IRWXG | Read, write, execute/search by group; group_read | group_write | group_exec |
others_read | 04 | S_IROTH | Read permission, others |
others_write | 02 | S_IWOTH | Write permission, others |
others_exec | 01 | S_IXOTH | Execute/search permission, others |
others_all | 07 | S_IRWXO | Read, write, execute/search by others; others_read | others_write | others_exec |
all | 0777 | owner_all | group_all | others_all | |
set_uid | 04000 | S_ISUID | Set-user-ID on execution |
set_gid | 02000 | S_ISGID | Set-group-ID on execution |
sticky_bit | 01000 | S_ISVTX | Operating system dependent. |
mask | 07777 | all | set_uid | set_gid | sticky_bit | |
unknown | 0xFFFF | The permissions are not known, such as when a file_status object
is created without specifying the permissions |
Name | Meaning |
replace | permissions shall replace the file's permission bits with perm |
add | permissions shall replace the file's permission bits with
the bitwise OR of perm and the file's current permission bits. |
remove | permissions shall replace the file's permission bits with
the bitwise AND of the complement of perm and the file's current permission bits. |
nofollow | permissions shall change the permissions of a symbolic link itself
rather than the permissions of the file the link resolves to. |
Name | Meaning |
none | (Default) Skip directory symlinks, permission denied is an error. |
follow_directory_symlink | Follow rather than skip directory symlinks. |
skip_permission_denied | Skip directories that would otherwise result in permission denied. |
namespace std::filesystem { class file_status { public: // [fs.file.status.cons], constructors and destructor file_status() noexcept : file_status(file_type::none) {} explicit file_status(file_type ft, perms prms = perms::unknown) noexcept; file_status(const file_status&) noexcept = default; file_status(file_status&&) noexcept = default; ~file_status(); // assignments file_status& operator=(const file_status&) noexcept = default; file_status& operator=(file_status&&) noexcept = default; // [fs.file.status.mods], modifiers void type(file_type ft) noexcept; void permissions(perms prms) noexcept; // [fs.file.status.obs], observers file_type type() const noexcept; perms permissions() const noexcept; friend bool operator==(const file_status& lhs, const file_status& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.type() == rhs.type() && lhs.permissions() == rhs.permissions(); } }; }
explicit file_status(file_type ft, perms prms = perms::unknown) noexcept;
file_type type() const noexcept;
perms permissions() const noexcept;
void type(file_type ft) noexcept;
void permissions(perms prms) noexcept;
namespace std::filesystem { class directory_entry { public: // [fs.dir.entry.cons], constructors and destructor directory_entry() noexcept = default; directory_entry(const directory_entry&) = default; directory_entry(directory_entry&&) noexcept = default; explicit directory_entry(const filesystem::path& p); directory_entry(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec); ~directory_entry(); // assignments directory_entry& operator=(const directory_entry&) = default; directory_entry& operator=(directory_entry&&) noexcept = default; // [fs.dir.entry.mods], modifiers void assign(const filesystem::path& p); void assign(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec); void replace_filename(const filesystem::path& p); void replace_filename(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec); void refresh(); void refresh(error_code& ec) noexcept; // [fs.dir.entry.obs], observers const filesystem::path& path() const noexcept; operator const filesystem::path&() const noexcept; bool exists() const; bool exists(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_block_file() const; bool is_block_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_character_file() const; bool is_character_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_directory() const; bool is_directory(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_fifo() const; bool is_fifo(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_other() const; bool is_other(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_regular_file() const; bool is_regular_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_socket() const; bool is_socket(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool is_symlink() const; bool is_symlink(error_code& ec) const noexcept; uintmax_t file_size() const; uintmax_t file_size(error_code& ec) const noexcept; uintmax_t hard_link_count() const; uintmax_t hard_link_count(error_code& ec) const noexcept; file_time_type last_write_time() const; file_time_type last_write_time(error_code& ec) const noexcept; file_status status() const; file_status status(error_code& ec) const noexcept; file_status symlink_status() const; file_status symlink_status(error_code& ec) const noexcept; bool operator==(const directory_entry& rhs) const noexcept; strong_ordering operator<=>(const directory_entry& rhs) const noexcept; private: filesystem::path pathobject; // exposition only friend class directory_iterator; // exposition only }; }
using namespace std::filesystem; // use possibly cached last write time to minimize disk accesses for (auto&& x : directory_iterator(".")) { std::cout << x.path() << " " << x.last_write_time() << std::endl; } // call refresh() to refresh a stale cache for (auto&& x : directory_iterator(".")) { lengthy_function(x.path()); // cache becomes stale x.refresh(); std::cout << x.path() << " " << x.last_write_time() << std::endl; }
explicit directory_entry(const filesystem::path& p);
directory_entry(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec);
void assign(const filesystem::path& p);
void assign(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec);
void replace_filename(const filesystem::path& p);
void replace_filename(const filesystem::path& p, error_code& ec);
void refresh();
void refresh(error_code& ec) noexcept;
const filesystem::path& path() const noexcept;
operator const filesystem::path&() const noexcept;
bool exists() const;
bool exists(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_block_file() const;
bool is_block_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_character_file() const;
bool is_character_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_directory() const;
bool is_directory(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_fifo() const;
bool is_fifo(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_other() const;
bool is_other(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_regular_file() const;
bool is_regular_file(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_socket() const;
bool is_socket(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool is_symlink() const;
bool is_symlink(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
uintmax_t file_size() const;
uintmax_t file_size(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
uintmax_t hard_link_count() const;
uintmax_t hard_link_count(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
file_time_type last_write_time() const;
file_time_type last_write_time(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
file_status status() const;
file_status status(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
file_status symlink_status() const;
file_status symlink_status(error_code& ec) const noexcept;
bool operator==(const directory_entry& rhs) const noexcept;
strong_ordering operator<=>(const directory_entry& rhs) const noexcept;
namespace std::filesystem { class directory_iterator { public: using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag; using value_type = directory_entry; using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using pointer = const directory_entry*; using reference = const directory_entry&; // [fs.dir.itr.members], member functions directory_iterator() noexcept; explicit directory_iterator(const path& p); directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options); directory_iterator(const path& p, error_code& ec); directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options, error_code& ec); directory_iterator(const directory_iterator& rhs); directory_iterator(directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept; ~directory_iterator(); directory_iterator& operator=(const directory_iterator& rhs); directory_iterator& operator=(directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept; const directory_entry& operator*() const; const directory_entry* operator->() const; directory_iterator& operator++(); directory_iterator& increment(error_code& ec); // other members as required by [input.iterators], input iterators }; }
directory_iterator() noexcept;
explicit directory_iterator(const path& p);
directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options);
directory_iterator(const path& p, error_code& ec);
directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options, error_code& ec);
(options & directory_options::skip_permission_denied) != directory_options::noneand construction encounters an error indicating that permission to access p is denied, constructs the end iterator and does not report an error.
directory_iterator(const directory_iterator& rhs);
directory_iterator(directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept;
directory_iterator& operator=(const directory_iterator& rhs);
directory_iterator& operator=(directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept;
directory_iterator& operator++();
directory_iterator& increment(error_code& ec);
namespace std::filesystem { class recursive_directory_iterator { public: using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag; using value_type = directory_entry; using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using pointer = const directory_entry*; using reference = const directory_entry&; // [fs.rec.dir.itr.members], constructors and destructor recursive_directory_iterator() noexcept; explicit recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p); recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options); recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options, error_code& ec); recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, error_code& ec); recursive_directory_iterator(const recursive_directory_iterator& rhs); recursive_directory_iterator(recursive_directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept; ~recursive_directory_iterator(); // [fs.rec.dir.itr.members], observers directory_options options() const; int depth() const; bool recursion_pending() const; const directory_entry& operator*() const; const directory_entry* operator->() const; // [fs.rec.dir.itr.members], modifiers recursive_directory_iterator& operator=(const recursive_directory_iterator& rhs); recursive_directory_iterator& operator=(recursive_directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept; recursive_directory_iterator& operator++(); recursive_directory_iterator& increment(error_code& ec); void pop(); void pop(error_code& ec); void disable_recursion_pending(); // other members as required by [input.iterators], input iterators }; }
recursive_directory_iterator() noexcept;
explicit recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p);
recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options);
recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, directory_options options, error_code& ec);
recursive_directory_iterator(const path& p, error_code& ec);
(options & directory_options::skip_permission_denied) != directory_options::noneand construction encounters an error indicating that permission to access p is denied, constructs the end iterator and does not report an error.
recursive_directory_iterator(const recursive_directory_iterator& rhs);
recursive_directory_iterator(recursive_directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept;
recursive_directory_iterator& operator=(const recursive_directory_iterator& rhs);
recursive_directory_iterator& operator=(recursive_directory_iterator&& rhs) noexcept;
directory_options options() const;
int depth() const;
bool recursion_pending() const;
recursive_directory_iterator& operator++();
recursive_directory_iterator& increment(error_code& ec);
recursion_pending() && is_directory((*this)->status()) && (!is_symlink((*this)->symlink_status()) || (options() & directory_options::follow_directory_symlink) != directory_options::none)then either directory (*this)->path() is recursively iterated into or, if
(options() & directory_options::skip_permission_denied) != directory_options::noneand an error occurs indicating that permission to access directory (*this)->path() is denied, then directory (*this)->path() is treated as an empty directory and no error is reported.
void pop();
void pop(error_code& ec);
void disable_recursion_pending();
recursive_directory_iterator begin(recursive_directory_iterator iter) noexcept;
recursive_directory_iterator end(const recursive_directory_iterator&) noexcept;
path absolute(const path& p);
path absolute(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path canonical(const path& p);
path canonical(const path& p, error_code& ec);
void copy(const path& from, const path& to);
void copy(const path& from, const path& to, error_code& ec);
void copy(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options);
void copy(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options,
error_code& ec);
(options & copy_options::create_symlinks) != copy_options::none || (options & copy_options::skip_symlinks) != copy_options::nonethen auto f = symlink_status(from) and if needed auto t = symlink_status(to).
(options & copy_options::copy_symlinks) != copy_options::nonethen auto f = symlink_status(from) and if needed auto t = status(to).
!exists(t) && (options & copy_options::copy_symlinks) != copy_options::nonethen copy_symlink(from, to).
is_directory(f) && (options & copy_options::create_symlinks) != copy_options::nonethen report an error with an error_code argument equal to make_error_code(errc::is_a_directory).
is_directory(f) && ((options & copy_options::recursive) != copy_options::none || options == copy_options::none)then:
for (const directory_entry& x : directory_iterator(from)) copy(x.path(), to/x.path().filename(), options | copy_options::in-recursive-copy);where in-recursive-copy is a bitmask element of copy_options that is not one of the elements in [fs.enum.copy.opts].
/dir1 file1 file2 dir2 file3
/dir1 file1 file2 dir2 file3 /dir3 file1 file2
/dir1 file1 file2 dir2 file3 /dir3 file1 file2 dir2 file3
bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to);
bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, error_code& ec);
bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options);
bool copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, copy_options options,
error_code& ec);
(options & (copy_options::skip_existing | copy_options::overwrite_existing | copy_options::update_existing)) == copy_options::none
void copy_symlink(const path& existing_symlink, const path& new_symlink);
void copy_symlink(const path& existing_symlink, const path& new_symlink,
error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool create_directories(const path& p);
bool create_directories(const path& p, error_code& ec);
bool create_directory(const path& p);
bool create_directory(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool create_directory(const path& p, const path& existing_p);
bool create_directory(const path& p, const path& existing_p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink);
void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink,
error_code& ec) noexcept;
void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& new_hard_link);
void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& new_hard_link,
error_code& ec) noexcept;
void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink);
void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& new_symlink,
error_code& ec) noexcept;
path current_path();
path current_path(error_code& ec);
void current_path(const path& p);
void current_path(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2);
bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool exists(file_status s) noexcept;
bool exists(const path& p);
bool exists(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
uintmax_t file_size(const path& p);
uintmax_t file_size(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p);
uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_block_file(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_block_file(const path& p);
bool is_block_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_character_file(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_character_file(const path& p);
bool is_character_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_directory(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_directory(const path& p);
bool is_directory(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_empty(const path& p);
bool is_empty(const path& p, error_code& ec);
bool is_fifo(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_fifo(const path& p);
bool is_fifo(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_other(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_other(const path& p);
bool is_other(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_regular_file(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_regular_file(const path& p);
bool is_regular_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_socket(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_socket(const path& p);
bool is_socket(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
bool is_symlink(file_status s) noexcept;
bool is_symlink(const path& p);
bool is_symlink(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
file_time_type last_write_time(const path& p);
file_time_type last_write_time(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
void last_write_time(const path& p, file_time_type new_time);
void last_write_time(const path& p, file_time_type new_time,
error_code& ec) noexcept;
void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, perm_options opts=perm_options::replace);
void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, error_code& ec) noexcept;
void permissions(const path& p, perms prms, perm_options opts, error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, const path& base = current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec);
path read_symlink(const path& p);
path read_symlink(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& base = current_path());
path relative(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec);
bool remove(const path& p);
bool remove(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p);
uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p, error_code& ec);
void rename(const path& old_p, const path& new_p);
void rename(const path& old_p, const path& new_p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t new_size);
void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t new_size, error_code& ec) noexcept;
space_info space(const path& p);
space_info space(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
file_status status(const path& p);
error_code ec; file_status result = status(p, ec); if (result.type() == file_type::none) throw filesystem_error(implementation-supplied-message, p, ec); return result;
file_status status(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
file_status symlink_status(const path& p);
file_status symlink_status(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;
path temp_directory_path();
path temp_directory_path(error_code& ec);
path weakly_canonical(const path& p);
path weakly_canonical(const path& p, error_code& ec);
namespace std { using size_t = see [support.types.layout]; using FILE = see below; using fpos_t = see below; } #define NULL see [support.types.nullptr] #define _IOFBF see below #define _IOLBF see below #define _IONBF see below #define BUFSIZ see below #define EOF see below #define FOPEN_MAX see below #define FILENAME_MAX see below #define L_tmpnam see below #define SEEK_CUR see below #define SEEK_END see below #define SEEK_SET see below #define TMP_MAX see below #define stderr see below #define stdin see below #define stdout see below namespace std { int remove(const char* filename); int rename(const char* old_p, const char* new_p); FILE* tmpfile(); char* tmpnam(char* s); int fclose(FILE* stream); int fflush(FILE* stream); FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode); FILE* freopen(const char* filename, const char* mode, FILE* stream); void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf); int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size); int fprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...); int fscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...); int printf(const char* format, ...); int scanf(const char* format, ...); int snprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, ...); int sprintf(char* s, const char* format, ...); int sscanf(const char* s, const char* format, ...); int vfprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list arg); int vfscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list arg); int vprintf(const char* format, va_list arg); int vscanf(const char* format, va_list arg); int vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, va_list arg); int vsprintf(char* s, const char* format, va_list arg); int vsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list arg); int fgetc(FILE* stream); char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream); int fputc(int c, FILE* stream); int fputs(const char* s, FILE* stream); int getc(FILE* stream); int getchar(); int putc(int c, FILE* stream); int putchar(int c); int puts(const char* s); int ungetc(int c, FILE* stream); size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream); size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream); int fgetpos(FILE* stream, fpos_t* pos); int fseek(FILE* stream, long int offset, int whence); int fsetpos(FILE* stream, const fpos_t* pos); long int ftell(FILE* stream); void rewind(FILE* stream); void clearerr(FILE* stream); int feof(FILE* stream); int ferror(FILE* stream); void perror(const char* s); }
#include <cstdint> // see [cstdint.syn] namespace std { using imaxdiv_t = see below; intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t j); imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom); intmax_t strtoimax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base); uintmax_t strtoumax(const char* nptr, char** endptr, int base); intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base); uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t* nptr, wchar_t** endptr, int base); intmax_t abs(intmax_t); // optional, see below imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t); // optional, see below } #define PRIdN see below #define PRIiN see below #define PRIoN see below #define PRIuN see below #define PRIxN see below #define PRIXN see below #define SCNdN see below #define SCNiN see below #define SCNoN see below #define SCNuN see below #define SCNxN see below #define PRIdLEASTN see below #define PRIiLEASTN see below #define PRIoLEASTN see below #define PRIuLEASTN see below #define PRIxLEASTN see below #define PRIXLEASTN see below #define SCNdLEASTN see below #define SCNiLEASTN see below #define SCNoLEASTN see below #define SCNuLEASTN see below #define SCNxLEASTN see below #define PRIdFASTN see below #define PRIiFASTN see below #define PRIoFASTN see below #define PRIuFASTN see below #define PRIxFASTN see below #define PRIXFASTN see below #define SCNdFASTN see below #define SCNiFASTN see below #define SCNoFASTN see below #define SCNuFASTN see below #define SCNxFASTN see below #define PRIdMAX see below #define PRIiMAX see below #define PRIoMAX see below #define PRIuMAX see below #define PRIxMAX see below #define PRIXMAX see below #define SCNdMAX see below #define SCNiMAX see below #define SCNoMAX see below #define SCNuMAX see below #define SCNxMAX see below #define PRIdPTR see below #define PRIiPTR see below #define PRIoPTR see below #define PRIuPTR see below #define PRIxPTR see below #define PRIXPTR see below #define SCNdPTR see below #define SCNiPTR see below #define SCNoPTR see below #define SCNuPTR see below #define SCNxPTR see below
intmax_t abs(intmax_t); imaxdiv_t div(intmax_t, intmax_t);which shall have the same semantics as the function signatures intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t) and imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t, intmax_t), respectively.